Dear Robb:

I noticed you have gotten lots of answers to this message.  Here is one

Negative ions are very healthy, while positive ions are destructive.
Negative ions have extra electrons that they will give up to feed your body
energy system.  Positive ions are lacking electrons, and they try to steal
electrons from other (your body) systems.  Free radicals can be very
dangerous.  So how does this relate to you?  Your computer display has about
35,000 volts of positive electrostatic electricity less than 1/2 inch from
the front of the screen.  This will attract opposite charges from the
surroundings including your body.  That will, given enough time "discharge"
your body energy system.  So what can you do?  First run this test.  Take a
piece of regular printer paper and hold it to the front glass of your
monitor.  If it sticks to the glass and will not slide down by itself, you
have an old (dangerous) monitor.  Nina mentioned that the new Swedish
monitors are much better in this regard, but they are quite expensive.  You
have a less expensive option, and that is to by a EMI screen to put in front
of the monitor.  This consists of a very fine metallic mesh that has a wire
that you must connect to ground.  This will redirect the 35,000 volt
positive charge to ground and protect you.  The fine mesh also gives you a
better looking display.  Polaroid made them, but I think 3M makes them now.
Look in the Global Computer or such catalog.

Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
Check out my Website at
Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for improving
your life and health.
----- Original Message -----
From: Robb Allen <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 7:52 PM
Subject: CS>Arthritis?....and Computers?

> Hello again .........This may sound rediculous......but another
> with the timing of when I first became ill........for about 3 months prior
> to when I got sick......I was working on a computer for many hours every
> day.......sometimes as many as 12 hours a day.......then I became ill with
> my arthritis...and also the watery eyes...{which seem very  much
> connected} it possible for my computer monitor....?..or the cpu
> itself? make me sick?......or have any of the symptoms that I'm
> having??........if I'm nuts ....just say so....*LOL*......Robb
> >From: "Acmeair" <>
> >Reply-To:
> >To: <>
> >Subject: Re: CS>My Arthritis...Still
> >Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2001 11:27:43 -0800
> >
> >you might want to go to these sites, and look for info on foods that you
> >should avoid based on your blood type.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: "Robb Allen" <>
> >To: <>
> >Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 8:50 PM
> >Subject: CS>My Arthritis...Still
> >
> >
> > >
> > > Greetings All......
> > > since my last update about my arthritis....I have severely
> >am
> > > personally 99% sure that what I am dealing with is none other than
> >gut
> > > syndrome.......I experience alergic-like reactions whenever I
> >eat......the
> > > main symptom besides the arthritis is watery eyes.....this is just
> >to
> > > drive me nuts!!!........My arthritis pain comes and goes....and thus
> >is
> > > still avoiding my hands....{Thank God}......My worst spot is my
> > > shoulders.....the attacks jump around...from place to
> >now
> > > it is very very bad in my left shoulder......Feels like it has eate
> >the
> > > way through the soft tissues...and is on raw bone........I had no
> >but
> > > to take vioxx...nothing else I know of will take the edge off of the
> > > pain.....I'm about to go nuts from all of this stuff........if anyone
> >can
> > > offer any would be much appreciated......I'm still hell
> >bent
> > > against letting the medical proffesion do its's
> >what
> > > I'm doing right now........I'm on the water cure......have been for a
> >long
> > > time......since I weigh about 200.....give or take.....I'm drinking
> >about
> > > 100 ounces.....I'm also on MSM....6000 mg per day......b-12..6000 mcg
> >per
> > > day.......I just started liquid alo vera.....3 ounces per
> > > also just started PDA.....these last two supplements were given by the
> > > advice of my local health food store guru.........I've also stopped
> > > swallowing CS......I am doing the holding it in my mouth for 4 minute
> > > thing....I'm afraid of further damaging my flora........
> > >          If I fast for 2 or 3 days......the pain almost tottally
> > > disappears..........but I gotsta eat!!!!.....other than the hunger...I
> >feel
> > > great while doing this........perhaps a marathon fast is in
> >order??......I
> > > don't know if I can stand doing that or not......Many thanks to those
> >you
> > > who have offered help in the past.....and many thanks in advance for
> >what
> >I
> > > know will be good advice in the future.........Robb
> > >
> > >>
> >
> >
> >
> >--
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