Well said. I'll second that! I take it the gent was Jack Kraus, author of
"Antennas" and other textbooks on EM. Radionics sounds like hocus-pocus to

Kevin Nolan

----- Original Message -----
From: "Solar" <so...@dialup.oar.net>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2001 3:05 AM
Subject: CS>Re[2]: CS>Arthritis?....and Computers?

> Nina, no offense, but I find that statement a little hard to swallow.
> I personally know a gentleman who has stood in the direct path
> (unintentionally) of a very high powered transmitter. It was a cold
> winter day when this happened, and when he stepped into the beam, he
> said it felt like a nice, warm, summer day. This was a long time ago.
> Just for the record, his name is Dr. John Krause. It has been a few
> years since I have spoken to him, but I believe he is still alive and
> well, and over 90 years old. His accomplishments in life are
> astounding.
> Nonetheless, for those who believe that 50 or 60 Hz EMR is toxic, I
> have some very bad news for you. The only way to escape it is to leave
> the planet. The energy travels around the globe practically lossless
> (I believe a loss of less than 0.1 dB per pass around the earth). We
> are literally bathed in a sea of electromagnetic waves. The
> electrical lines that eneter your house make a great "longwire"
> antenna, and bring in RF of many, many frequencies.
> Admittedly, I only purchase monitors wich meet the most stringent
> radiation specifications. But, my concern is mainly the "s-rays" (soft
> x-rays) that they emit. Even going with a LCD monitor will not
> eliminate electromagnetic radiation. And, while a Faraday cage would
> protect the user from the electrical component, there is no way to
> shield yourself from the low-frequency magnetic component. Even
> Faraday cages made of Mu metal have failed. While the fan motor may
> emit radiation, it is many, many times weaker than the fields
> generated by your house wiring. Also, I fail to see how a diode would
> offer any protection whatsoever.
> Just my proverbial $0.02!
> --
> Best regards,
>  Solar

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