

WRT nebulizing, previous posts by others have recommended the purchase
of an ultrasonic humidifier made by Vicks (Model V5100) which costs
about $42.  The output of this humidifier is more than most nebulizers,
according to posts on this list.

I just purchased one today, but haven't tried it yet.  You must remove
the charcoal filter, otherwise you will filter out the cs.

I am an ex-smoker (3 packs a day).  Trying to quit is extraordinarily
difficult for some people.  It took me fifteen years to finally quit
completely.  But start now to decrease the amount you smoke by setting
little boundaries.  Big changes are most likely to fail.  I forced
myself to stop smoking at work by telling everyone I had quit smoking
(of course I had reduced my smoking at work by quite a bit before I did
this<g> and this was back when you could still smoke at work).  Then, of
course I smoked like crazy when I got home.

But gradually I kept adding small boundaries, and then I told my wife I
was quitting (she also smoked).  I had failures, but I praised myself
for how much I had accomplished when I relapsed as opposed to viewing it
as a failure.  There were many evenings I went to the local quickie mart
and bought a pack of cigarettes, smoked one and through the rest away. 
Even so, I was so much better off than when I used to smoke 3 packs a

Quitting smoking was the most difficult thing I have ever done.  I had
to do it gradually, because I have such a rebellious nature; but, I
haven't smoked for at least 8 years, and cannot stand even the slightest
smell of them and I never miss smoking now.  I am not, however, a rabid
reformed smoker.  I know how hard it is.

Good luck,


Lori wrote:
> Thank you so much everyone for your advice about CS and my sinus and 
> bronchitis problems! I found it to be very interesting reading material.  I 
> look forward to learning more by being apart of this group.  Thanks again!
> Lori
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