Dear Group:

Would someone please translate Brooks Bradley's fascinating post about Kelp.
I am over 60, so I think this may be applicable.

I am guessing that 11 oz of kelp powder is "11 oz. dry weight" mixed into 1
gallon of water?  (It does not like to mix! How do you suggest?) Does this
need to be refrigerated after mixing?

Then I would like to make 32 oz batches.  If 2 table spoons for 1 gallon,
then it would be 1/2 table spoon for 32 oz of water?

Now if I wanted to add 20% CS.  That would be 6 oz CS and 26 oz of water and
1/2 table spoon of concentrated solution?

Is that right so far?

Now when he talks about Celtic sea salt I get lost.

Can this be translated into how many teaspoons per 32 oz?

All you chemists are probably laughing, but .......

Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
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----- Original Message -----
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2001 2:30 PM

>             The recent animal-related posts jogged my failing memory
> into recalling some interesting....and I believe, useful investigations
> we conducted some time in the past.  These endeavors revolved about the
> possible efficacy of "kelp-based solutions" for nutritional support and
> disease prevention/abatement in animal pets and livestock.  Our results
> were VERY encouraging.
>             The most efficacious protocol was as follows:
>                 Starting with a concentrated solution of  kelp (seaweed)
> extract [ approx. 11 ounces of soluble powder in 1 gallon of water],  we
> used 2  tablespoons CONCENTRATE diluted in 1 gallon of the
> basic  mixture.   Our goal was to evaluate the benefits---if any---of
> using this material as a nutritional support and/or a disease prevention
> modality for domestic pets and livestock.  The beneficial results
> exceeded our expectations.  In chickens furnished this solution free
> choice, NO significant nutritional-based deficiencies were
> detectable(less than .1%)......with them receiving 3 different
> commercial feed mixtures.  Among controls, a background pathogenic level
> of 5% was a constant....and in some cases outbreaks of varying pathogens
> expressed as high as 20%...on occasion.  Among "purposely infected"
> groups, naturally -occurring recovery/resistance spontaneously
> established (lowering mortality from 60% to 10%) when the kelp solutions
> were administered as the sole source of liquid intake AFTER THE
> INFECTION. The speed and completeness of recovery was noticeably
> enhanced when the parent solution was diluted 20%, by volume, with 10
> ppm CS.  This in spite of contentions/suspicions of antagonisms between
> the silver colloid and the parent solution substances.  Among subjects
> furnished access to the Kelp X CS combination solution, we were able to
> infect...via direct injection....less than 2% of the subjects----and the
> resulting insults were, in almost all cases, quite mild.  Mortality was
> less than .05%.
>                 Our results among dogs, cats, and birds.....were equally
> impressive;  although the physical number of subjects was much smaller.
> We did encounter some difficulty in getting cats to drink water
> containing this level of least in the beginning.  The only
> successful method involved maintaining them in cages.....during the
> evaluations.
>                 At the time of these experiments we did not utilize MSM,
> vitamin supports, fluid electrolyte enhancement, etc.
>                  A rather fascinating byline relating to this type
> investigation is that a similar modality involving human volunteers
> (older subjects....beyond 60) yielded superior results----when employing
> a somewhat modified version----for individuals suffering from a variety
> of chronic expressions.  The principal modification involved a second
> dilution of the kelp X CS with 25%, by volume, of  complete sea-solid
> solution (reduced from 35,000 ppm to 8750 ppm).   The sea solid solution
> may be constructed using any acceptable FULL SPECTRUM source (e.g.
> Celtic Sea Salt, etc.....but never ANY white or leached marine salt).
> This latter modification enabled a rather pronounced synergistic
> effect.  Interestingly, we utilized the same unmodified, agricultural
> grade, kelp powder..... which we used in the animal experiments.  Our
> bacteriological tests (of these CS containing solutions) revealed no
> viable pathogens extant.....prior to use for the human volunteers.
>                     While there was little difference in the kelp
> products we evaluted, we settled.....for the bulk of our tests.....upon
> on one called Maxicrop.  The reasons being that it gave the best
> solubility results and seemed to evoke more pronounced biological
> benefits----probably as a result of superior extraction/concentration
> techniques.   We do not endorse this----OR ANY OTHER---product.  These
> were, simply, our particular results under our particular criteria.
>                         I hope some among you find this of interest.
>                                         Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.

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