Hello Mr. Meissner,
            My apologies for not being more specific in that
especially relating to the "kelp Powder".  The product used must be a
powder product.  These are, actually, highly concentrated liquids which
been dessicated back to powder form.  11 ounces is, simply, one of the
common quantities marketed.  ll ounces of this material will go into
solution----very rapidly---in one gallon of plain tap water.  The
concentrate will yield about 240 gallons of "general purpose" solution. 
foliar spray, therapeutic level for pet/livestock watering, etc.  This
concentration at 2 fluid ounces per day (for human
superior to any other type of mineral supplement (including fossilized
montmorillonite clays, shales, etc)......whether in liquid or powdered
                The kelp solution concentrate does not.....of
itself......require refrigeration.  However, since it is such a powerful
medium for bacterial generation-----even minor contamination via
bacteria plus
any nutrient form (especially sugar forms)......could result in very
sudden and
exponential blooms.  Therefore, refrigeration would be prudent for the
concentrate.   Actually, many antagonistic pathogens are subdued in the
of kelp solutions------at these concentrations.
                The allusion to Celtic Sea Salt was intended to emphasis
only sea solids containing the entire spectrum of salts and trace
elements found
in the "parent" solution of the open oceans.........yields all of the
required by healthy plant and animal forms------both marine, and
These materials must be harvested following only natural evaporation
conditions----in a very zeric climate (essentially desert type
......if possible.  The very best materials obtained, came from the Baja
California area.  Small quantities (less than 10,000 pounds) of
unreduced/untreated "sea solids" are quite difficult to obtain from the
large firm controlling the salt producing enterprise in this area.
            Large natural food stores are the best source for Celtic Sea
Additionally, the "coarse" grind is much cheaper......and preferable to
"fine" grind.
                The 35,000 ppm figure was given because it
is-----approximately-----the strength level of the solubilized mineral
components in "normal" sea water.
                Actually, the most generally used concentration.....both
animal watering......and plant/soil application, was on the order of
3500 ppm
(roughly, a simple dilution of 10:1 of normal sea water).
                To obtain, approximately, a correct concentration in ppm
equates to sea water.....simply dissolve the Celtic Sea Salt in one
quart of
distilled water-----one teaspoon at a time and monitor with any
economical TDS
type meter.
The TDS-1 manufactured by Hanna is quite sufficient for this purpose. 
When the
concentration gets to around 15000 ppm just dilute with about 4 quarts
distilled water and you should get a strength reading of around 3700
Purists can "trim-out" from there.
                 Interestingly, we validated the work of Dr. Maynard
Murrary......relating to pathogenic insults and chickens.  We found it
to be
almost impossible to generate conditions facilitating successful
insult among chickens who were furnished the combination kelp/CS
water.....free choice.  The results were---simply---beyond anything we
had ever
achieved before......from any form of nutritional and/or supplement
protocol.  They were achieved at astonishingly low cost levels.
                    At this writing, we are again in the process of
some of our older, previous, experiments utilizing "full spectrum" sea
solids------both in solubilized form.......and as "straight-run
crystals" simply
scattered upon the soil surface at concentrations between 1100 and 1500
per acre.  Although current "academic wisdom" claims the Nacl
constituent (from
such high concentrations) would be lethal to 99% of all terrestrial
forms.......we have experienced nothing but SUPERB results from EVERY
shrub, or flower subjected to this protocol.  Currently, our concensus
is that
it is CRIMINAL.....in the extreme.....what academia has perpetrated 
upon the
general public (at least in this instance)-----whether by design or from
         I hope these embellishments serve to be of some value to you.
                            Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.

Jim Meissner wrote:

> Dear Group:
> Would someone please translate Brooks Bradley's fascinating post about Kelp.
> I am over 60, so I think this may be applicable.
> I am guessing thatDoes thi 11 oz of kelp powder is "11 oz. dry weight" mixed
> into 1
> gallon of water?  (It does not like to mix! How do you suggest?) s
> need to be refrigerated after mixing?
> Then I would like to make 32 oz batches.  If 2 table spoons for 1 gallon,
> then it would be 1/2 table spoon for 32 oz of water?
> Now if I wanted to add 20% CS.  That would be 6 oz CS and 26 oz of water and
> 1/2 table spoon of concentrated solution?
> Is that right so far?
> Now when he talks about Celtic sea salt I get lost.
> Can this be translated into how many teaspoons per 32 oz?
> All you chemists are probably laughing, but .......
> Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
> Check out my Website at www.MeissnerResearch.com
> Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for improving
> your life and health.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: BROOKS BRADLEY <liat...@flash.net>
> To: <silver-

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