I'm not sure if this is available on CNN anymore...

CNN carried this story on Nov. 8th...

Here's part of it, or follow the link for the whole story.

Also, at the end is part of a e-mail I recieve from Ron Leavitt...


Another supplement under serious academic study as an all-purpose drug is 
silver. It has been hawked for decades as a popular remedy for a variety of 
ailments, so microbiologist Ron Leavitt at Brigham Young University balked 
three years ago when a company first asked him to test its solution 

"I said, 'Go away!"' he recalled in an interview. "I fully expected it not to 
do a thing." 

Reluctantly agreeing, he compared the silver compound to the common antibiotic 
tetracycline in action against 11 germs. In each case, he says, the silver 
compound worked as well or better. Leavitt says he doubted his own findings, so 
he did the experiments again -- and again. The results were the same against 
those strains and nine others. One was E. coli, another potential agent of 

The interested company, American Biotech Labs of Alpine, Utah, has begun to 
test the solution for anthrax and ear infections, says spokesman Keith Moeller. 

Leavitt says silver, at the levels used in the solution, appears to be toxic to 
germs but safe for people. He plans to extend his experiments to animals. He 
suspects the silver acts as a catalyst, perhaps promoting a reaction that 
short-circuits a germ's energy metabolism. 

One potential drawback, he said, is the danger of killing desirable germs, like 
those that protect the skin and mouth against disease microbes. 
Immune-regulating drugs are less likely to show this disadvantage, because the 
immune system knows pretty well how to tell friendly forces from those of the 

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