Hi All!

Bentonite is an aluminum silicate, and thus is really a organized form of quartz crystal: Al2O3 + 4SiO2 + nH2O ( hydrated bentonite, food grade ).

It is widely used in many, many industries.

However, what makes it unique for consideration in natural medicine are its very unique properties. Bentonite has an extremely dense makeup - each gram of bentonite covers a surface area of over 400 square meters.

When properly hydrated, it creates and sustains its own subtle electromagnetic field ( negatively charged particles ). It has extremely powerful sorptive properties, i.e. it attracts and holds to its surface many toxic substances.

Via it's many properties, a high quality green clay can eliminate an infection in the body about 600 times faster than colloidal silver ( when used externally ). Used with understanding, it can speed tissue healing by over 60% in even the most serious wounds imaginable. However, its method of action is different than colloidal silver.

Extreme amounts of clay used in a bath have been known to help the body detox from severe heavy metal poisoning ( one can tell, because if it works, the clay turns black ).

U.S. Army studies show that bentonite may be a successful treatment for exposure to chemical warfare. One Army emergency livestock protocol calls for immediate adminstration of bentonite internally to counter effects of radiation poisoning in livestock ( food sources ).

In fact, bentonite was the choice substance dumped by the ton on top of the Chernobyl nuclear plant after its untimely demise.

The natural green clays were the prime ingredient in them embolming process of the ancient Egyptians. Cleoptra's fine skin condition was most likely due to secret blends of fine clays and exotic oils.

Used internally, bentonite is one of the most powerful detoxifying agents in nature. It neutralizes acids in the stomach almost immediately upon ingestion. It detoxifies the intestinal tracts. It acts directly upon the liver, slowly restoring it to full function with a proper diet. Although it is considered an inert substance, through long term use microscopic particles of clay ARE eventually accepted into the liver, and delivered into the bloodstream, where it fixes free oxygen, elminating free radicals.

When used immediately in severe trauma situations ( externally ), clay packs significantly reduce tissue damage associated with swelling.

I'll never forget the first story I ever heard on clay healing. In fact, the individual in question received a "most valueable citizen" town award for the incident.

A father's son wrecked quite badly in a motorcycle race, and it tore up one of his legs quite badly. He was rushed to the hospital, but developed a severe infection that turned gangrene despite medical care. After several days of observation and treatment, the doctor made the decision that the leg would be amputated the next morning.

The son had called his father, who lived in another part of the country. The father arrived at the hospital late that night. Upon hearing that the leg would be amputated, he grabbed his son and carried him straight out of the hospital. They drove for many hours, to a remote part of the Mojave desert, just outside of Death Valley, California, where the natural hotspring waters at one time had a rating of the second best in the world. The area is rich in a natural high quality bentonite.

The father brought his son to the oldtimer local. They and several friends took a large garbage bin, and filled it with hydrated clay. When the son figured out he was supposed to stick his LEG in that MUD, he resisted with all of his strength! It took four men to force him to do so, and to hold him in it long enough for the pain to start to subside.

They kept the leg in the solution for around 72 hours. Upon removing the leg, and gently ( very gently ) washing the clay off, the infection had been COMPLETELY eradicated, and the leg was well on its way to healing.

Exactly 17 days later, the son was back on the track, racing again as if nothing had happened.

While this story may seem far fetched, I've personally seen similiar
results. As far as I'm personally concerned, wound care in this day and age is nothing short of barbaric ( no offense to those wound care specialists on the list! ).

I remember dealing with some nurses who just couldn't WAIT to get a pair of pliers onto some staples embedded in granuluar tissue ( from a skin graft donor site ). I talked them into leaving the site alone, and used bentonite to extract the staples naturally, which it did in under 72 hours ( I didn't tell THEM what I did, though ) - painless and effortless.

I wish I had a before image of what the donor sites looked like before I began using silver and clay, but there is some information on the subject available at this url:


The areas were "littered" with small infections and inflammations.

I'm in the process of extensive film work, because complete tutorials, and graphic totutorials, need to be done to understand how to properly use clay for all manner of difficult situations. It is easy to cause damage to tissues or even inhibit healing if not used correctly.

The first exhibition should be up shortly... How to prepare a natural clay for use in healing.

So much to do - so little time!


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