Brooks Sensei, 

Thanks for the education!   I am familiar with the basic concept of
piezo-electric crystals, used in many cigarette lighters to generate
sparks.   The EM ceramics, however, ordinarily are not compressed or
squeezed or impacted at all.    I am just starting to learn about this
business, though,  and my ignorance exceeds my knowledge.    


Brooks Bradley wrote:
>                     Dear Jonathan,
>                     The family of piezo-electric ceramics have, for many 
> years,
> been used both as "physical disturbance-to -electrical energy output"  and/or
> "electrical input-to-physical-output" devices.  The two most common groups 
> center
> around barium titanate  and lead zirconate titanate containing compounds.  The
> old-fashioned crystal-type phonograph pick-up elements were of the barium 
> titanate
> type.  Early sonar receiving transducers were also.  Many types of army
> ordinance.....especially bombs and artillery shells.....have employed such
> transducers to generate high voltages (at impact) to detonate the explosives. 
>  A
> small piezo-electric disc the size of a quarter will yield instanteous 
> voltages on
> the order of 3000 volts (when impacting around 1000 g's ).
>                 By merely squeezing  a small 1" piezo-electric ceramic, a 
> sizeable
> output will occur.  Electro-acoustic energies applied to a  piezo-electric 
> ceramic
> will result in a faithful "physical"  reproduction of the applied
> frequency------up to quite high values.
>                 Additionally, even very small, repetitive, voltage pulses, 
> when
> applied serially---while maintaining the same polarity orientation---can 
> charge a
> lead zirconate cylinder of  6" length X 4" dia. to near-lethal levels.  Also, 
> once
> charged, the capacitive effect remains over prolonged periods of 
> time-----unless
> the inside and outside (plated with silver) surfaces of the cylinder are 
> shorted.
>                 Such behavior suggests that both physical and 
> electro-stimulation
> of susceptible ceramic materials could, indeed, result in some of the
> physiological conditions you relate.
>                                                     Sincerely,
>                                                     Brooks Bradley
> "Jonathan B. Britten" wrote:
> > Dr. Teruo Higa of Okinawa makes and sells some very powerful fired
> > ceramic products called "EMX."   There are available online from
> >    I dabble with these but frankly  do not understand the
> > energies coming from these ceramics.   VERY  powerful.
> >
> > I use a necklace made of these occasionally,  and it seems to produce a
> > herx. reaction initially, usually within a few hours after I put it on;
> > sometimes I have to take the darned thing off,  but overall feel better
> > when wearing it,  exp. when using a computer.   It seems to balance the
> > energy fields from electronic products,  and this is one advertised
> > purpose.
> >
> > The field from EMX ceramic is very strong.   I think it is partly
> > magnetic;  two on top of my cathode ray monitor cause the entire box to
> > vibrate and rattle when I turn it on.   I think the field somehow pulls
> > or pushes on the scanning gun as it starts up.   Very weird effect.
> > When we first put a ceramic on our electric hot water pot -- a product
> > widely used in Japan -- it was destroyed in a few days.   Turns out the
> > ceramics quickly break down corrosion and clog up the pumps in such
> > things;  you are supposed to use ceramics only in new products.   Higa's
> > team destroyed a car engine in the early days using ceramics in the gas
> > tank.   I put these in the gas thank of my new van,  and the boost in
> > power was amazing,  though the improved mileage I wanted did not occur.
> >
> > Higa's stuff is well worth the time to check out.   I have no
> > affiliation BTW . . .
> >
> > JBB
> >
> > Jason / AVRA wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi All!
> > >
> > > Bentonite is an aluminum silicate, and thus is really a organized form of
> > > quartz crystal: Al2O3 + 4SiO2 + nH2O ( hydrated bentonite, food grade ).
> > >
> > > It is widely used in many, many industries.
> > >
> > > However, what makes it unique for consideration in natural medicine are 
> > > its
> > > very unique properties.  Bentonite has an extremely dense makeup - each 
> > > gram
> > > of bentonite covers a surface area of over 400 square meters.
> > >
> > > When properly hydrated, it creates and sustains its own subtle
> > > electromagnetic field ( negatively charged particles ).  It has extremely
> > > powerful sorptive properties, i.e. it attracts and holds to its surface 
> > > many
> > > toxic substances.
> > >
> > > Via it's many properties, a high quality green clay can eliminate an
> > > infection in the body about 600 times faster than colloidal silver ( when
> > > used externally ).  Used with understanding, it can speed tissue healing 
> > > by
> > > over 60% in even the most serious wounds imaginable. However, its method 
> > > of
> > > action is different than colloidal silver.
> > >
> > > Extreme amounts of clay used in a bath have been known to help the body
> > > detox from severe heavy metal poisoning ( one can tell, because if it 
> > > works,
> > > the clay turns black ).
> > >
> > > U.S. Army studies show that bentonite may be a successful treatment for
> > > exposure to chemical warfare.  One Army emergency livestock protocol calls
> > > for immediate adminstration of bentonite internally to counter effects of
> > > radiation poisoning in livestock ( food sources ).
> > >
> > > In fact, bentonite was the choice substance dumped by the ton on top of 
> > > the
> > > Chernobyl nuclear plant after its untimely demise.
> > >
> > > The natural green clays were the prime ingredient in them embolming 
> > > process
> > > of the ancient Egyptians.  Cleoptra's fine skin condition was most likely
> > > due to secret blends of fine clays and exotic oils.
> > >
> > > Used internally, bentonite is one of the most powerful detoxifying agents 
> > > in
> > > nature.  It neutralizes acids in the stomach almost immediately upon
> > > ingestion.  It detoxifies the intestinal tracts.  It acts directly upon 
> > > the
> > > liver, slowly restoring it to full function with a proper diet.  Although 
> > > it
> > > is considered an inert substance, through long term use microscopic
> > > particles of clay ARE eventually accepted into the liver, and delivered 
> > > into
> > > the bloodstream, where it fixes free oxygen, elminating free radicals.
> > >
> > > When used immediately in severe trauma situations ( externally ), clay 
> > > packs
> > > significantly reduce tissue damage associated with swelling.
> > >
> > > I'll never forget the first story I ever heard on clay healing.  In fact,
> > > the individual in question received a "most valueable citizen" town award
> > > for the incident.
> > >
> > > A father's son wrecked quite badly in a motorcycle race, and it tore up 
> > > one
> > > of his legs quite badly.  He was rushed to the hospital, but developed a
> > > severe infection that turned gangrene despite medical care.  After several
> > > days of observation and treatment, the doctor made the decision that the 
> > > leg
> > > would be amputated the next morning.
> > >
> > > The son had called his father, who lived in another part of the country. 
> > > The
> > > father arrived at the hospital late that night.  Upon hearing that the leg
> > > would be amputated, he grabbed his son and carried him straight out of the
> > > hospital.  They drove for many hours, to a remote part of the Mojave 
> > > desert,
> > > just outside of Death Valley, California, where the natural hotspring 
> > > waters
> > > at one time had a rating of the second best in the world.  The area is 
> > > rich
> > > in a natural high quality bentonite.
> > >
> > > The father brought his son to the oldtimer local.  They and several 
> > > friends
> > > took a large garbage bin, and filled it with hydrated clay.  When the son
> > > figured out he was supposed to stick his LEG in that MUD, he resisted with
> > > all of his strength!  It took four men to force him to do so, and to hold
> > > him in it long enough for the pain to start to subside.
> > >
> > > They kept the leg in the solution for around 72 hours.  Upon removing the
> > > leg, and gently ( very gently ) washing the clay off, the infection had 
> > > been
> > > COMPLETELY eradicated, and the leg was well on its way to healing.
> > >
> > > Exactly 17 days later, the son was back on the track, racing again as if
> > > nothing had happened.
> > >
> > > While this story may seem far fetched, I've personally seen similiar
> > > results.  As far as I'm personally concerned, wound care in this day and 
> > > age
> > > is nothing short of barbaric ( no offense to those wound care specialists 
> > > on
> > > the list! ).
> > >
> > > I remember dealing with some nurses who just couldn't WAIT to get a pair 
> > > of
> > > pliers onto some staples embedded in granuluar tissue ( from a skin graft
> > > donor site ).  I talked them into leaving the site alone, and used 
> > > bentonite
> > > to extract the staples naturally, which it did in under 72 hours ( I 
> > > didn't
> > > tell THEM what I did, though ) - painless and effortless.
> > >
> > > I wish I had a before image of what the donor sites looked like before I
> > > began using silver and clay, but there is some information on the subject
> > > available at this url:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > The areas were "littered" with small infections and inflammations.
> > >
> > > I'm in the process of extensive film work, because complete tutorials, and
> > > graphic totutorials, need to be done to understand how to properly use 
> > > clay
> > > for all manner of difficult situations.  It is easy to cause damage to
> > > tissues or even inhibit healing if not used correctly.
> > >
> > > The first exhibition should be up shortly...  How to prepare a natural 
> > > clay
> > > for use in healing.
> > >
> > > So much to do - so little time!
> > >
> > > Jason
> > >
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