Jaguar Enterprises said (from his website):
“After two hours when the particles are evenly
dispersed in the water the color should be light
yellow or golden yellow. Other colors indicate the
particle size is slightly larger than the ideal size
which may be due to using a low quality distilled
water. If there is no color then clean the electrodes
and treat another cup of water for 25 minutes. “

It seems to me that this fellows’ concept of what is
happening while he is brewing CS is more mystical than
scientific. I have never understood why someone would
think that CS with color would be superior to clear
CS. What does he think makes the color? If the only
substances there are water and silver, all that could
make color would be silver particles big enough to
refract light. Why would anyone want particles big
enough to refract light when you can make CS with
particles so small they don’t refract light, even with
a laser light. 

“If there is no color then clean the electrodes and
treat another cup of water for 25 minutes. Keep
increasing the time by 5 minutes until you are

In other words, keep brewing until the particles are
big enough to see. Is there not general agreement that
we want the smallest particles we can get? 

“Try different brands of distilled water to see which
brand best produces a yellow color when through.”

He is actually recommending that you find the dirtiest
DW you can find. Why doesn’t he just use salt? That
will give him yellow CS.

“..get a swimming pool PH tester from KMart and test
for which brand [of DW] has the lowest PH (which is
more desirable).”

The more acid the DW, the better? Comments, anyone?

“..immerse the silver into the water up to the
beginning of where they bend outward (for 1" spacing)
and cover the top to block out light.”

Is there any reason to believe the presence of light
effects or interferes with CS brewing? Brewing quality
CS is easier and simpler than this fellow is making it
to be.

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