I agree, he is saying to find the lowest quality DW you can to make the CS.
It does sound like he doesn't know what he is talking about.


Terry Chamberlin wrote:

> Jaguar Enterprises said (from his website):
> “After two hours when the particles are evenly
> dispersed in the water the color should be light
> yellow or golden yellow. Other colors indicate the
> particle size is slightly larger than the ideal size
> which may be due to using a low quality distilled
> water. If there is no color then clean the electrodes
> and treat another cup of water for 25 minutes. “
> It seems to me that this fellows’ concept of what is
> happening while he is brewing CS is more mystical than
> scientific. I have never understood why someone would
> think that CS with color would be superior to clear
> CS. What does he think makes the color? If the only
> substances there are water and silver, all that could
> make color would be silver particles big enough to
> refract light. Why would anyone want particles big
> enough to refract light when you can make CS with
> particles so small they don’t refract light, even with
> a laser light.
> “If there is no color then clean the electrodes and
> treat another cup of water for 25 minutes. Keep
> increasing the time by 5 minutes until you are
> successful.“
> In other words, keep brewing until the particles are
> big enough to see. Is there not general agreement that
> we want the smallest particles we can get?
> “Try different brands of distilled water to see which
> brand best produces a yellow color when through.”
> He is actually recommending that you find the dirtiest
> DW you can find. Why doesn’t he just use salt? That
> will give him yellow CS.
> “..get a swimming pool PH tester from KMart and test
> for which brand [of DW] has the lowest PH (which is
> more desirable).”
> The more acid the DW, the better? Comments, anyone?
> “..immerse the silver into the water up to the
> beginning of where they bend outward (for 1" spacing)
> and cover the top to block out light.”
> Is there any reason to believe the presence of light
> effects or interferes with CS brewing? Brewing quality
> CS is easier and simpler than this fellow is making it
> to be.
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