Kevin pleads...
> Hey, is there anyone else on this list who thinks like I do - if there
> is then ... add your voice please!

Yup, I've seen the scientific method work. In fact, I've personally
experienced how hard it can be to get some scientists to follow it
rigorously! Then there's the politics and economics that come into play
long before you need consider anything so esoteric as "psychic" or
paranormal influence by the observer. 

That said, it still works better than mumbo-jumbo and magic in the 
hands of people without extraordinary talent.

And the crucial aspect for us to remember in this whole discussion of 
Lunar influences, etc., is that THEY REALLY DON'T MATTER MUCH! 

Just as all the other wild fluctuations in concentration and particle
size and ionic fraction in our uncontrolled processes don't render our
CS ineffective, Lunar or other esoteric influences won't either.

It's fun to contemplate all this other stuff, but don't forget that the 
simpler CS generating methods still work plenty well enough.

I also ask that folks not strain the credulity of the newcomers by 
*too* much discussion of this stuff, since it really is not essential 
to their success learning to make and/or use CS and can cause them to 
dismiss us and CS as a bunch of idiocy.

I'm a sympathetic skeptic, if there is such a thing. I *want* a lot of 
this stuff to be true, but I don't believe it until I can see proof and 
evidence of reproduceable results. 

I am, however, a lot less willing to dismiss things out of hand as I
used to be! There's just too much that can't be explained.

Be well,

Mike D.
da list owner guy

(Yeah, we should soon kill these marginal threads. Volume is pretty 
high and that drives people away, too.)

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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