Greetings folks,

We can NEVER afford to ignore the diverse experience levels we have 
on the list when giving advice. Note the following exchange:

Terry writes:
> ... Hang two silver wires down into the jar, on opposite sides of the
> jar (mine are 9" long). Hook up 110-120 VDC to the silver wires. Let
> brew for 60 minutes. Wipe off the wires, strain the CS (I use coffee
> filters). Use one quart of this CS as starter for the next batch.

Leo replies:
> What do you mean by hooking up 110-120 VDC?

Leo is asking the questions that he should be!

110 Volts Direct Current is *plenty* high enough to be lethal depending 
on the type of power supply used and the myriad conditions that people 
might be working under. 

DON'T MESS WITH HIGH VOLTAGE unless you have the knowledge and
experience to do so safely.

In the above instructions, it is vital that you TURN OFF THE POWER 
before wiping off the wires. 

Don't let the wires touch each other while power is on. 

Don't touch the wires or any part of the apparatus while power is on.

Make certain the power supply is properly grounded and fused.

Keep children and pets away.

... etcetera!!!

Yes, the method is simple, and simple methods do work. However, if 
there's a chance that something can go wrong, it's wise to assume that 
it will and include appropriate cautions and disclaimers.

Simple battery circuits with up to 30 or 40 volts and low current 
capacity are a whole lot safer to deal with if you're a newcomer to 
working with electricity. The good news is, they also work.

Be careful out there, my friends.

Be well,

Mike Devour
silver-list owner
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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