Thanks for your reply Bob.

I make my cs with a Spartan 9KV-30 MA HVAC generator from Utopoia Silver. I 
have added a stirring device powered by adapter.

I have 4-12 qauge rods of .9999 silver 2 inches in the water. Water measures 1 
ppm at start, I run a 2 gal batch for 10hrs. That gives me a very strong tyndal 
effect, but reads only 4 ppm. I then pull the rods out of the water approx 1/4 
inch and arc into the water for approx 1/2 an hour to bring the ionic content 
up to approx 10 ppm. (just to satisfy those who insist on at least 10 ppm) I 
estimate this to be 75% ioniv and 25% particle.
The batch used on the poisettia had been run a bit longer on arc and measured 
14 ppm.

I do not use any covering on the 7 inch opening of the jug.

This is the first time I have heard of producing a NO 3 nitric acid with the 
arc. If you can test it for nitric acid I would like to send you a sample to 
test. I have experimented using the arc only, and have made it as strong as 
1200 ppm with zero tyndal effect. I have never used this product, but it would 
be interesting to know if it had a nitric acid component.

I sent some samples to Frank Key for testing in May 2001, they had run for 5 
hrs, but no arcing 
The ppm measured 3.29  total,
2.08 ppm ionic, 1.21 ppm particle
In order to get a higher percentage particles I then doubled the run time, and 
then topped it off with the arc thinking that the arc was adding pure ionic 
silver to the particles.

I usually monitor the current and it starts at about 17ma and ends 25-27 ma.

Please advise what you make of this. 

Hi Dave,

How do you make your HVAC???   If it is make by the arc method with an
air blanket then you have a good sized ppm of
NO3 !!! that is part of nitric acid.

My HVAC ARC CSmade with a CO2 blanket will have no more and 0.0 to 2.0
ppm of NO3. I have seen some made in ait with 27 ppm of NO3, and that is

Since Dr Bill Bagioli and my self developed the HVAC ARC method, please
tell me exacly what you are doing.

It can be great stuff with 98+% ionic silver or a real disaster.

"Ole Bob"