Hi Dave,

I don't really know where to begin!!!!  But what you are doing is a

To make HVAC with all of your electrodes wet is the first disaster. My
investigations of two wet (why 4?) was never able to make more that 9
ppm (true not hanna stuff) and it would go yellow or dirty and have
silver drop out. So I abandoned that process.

The cone process where one electrode is wet and the other about 1/8" to
1/4" above the DW surface will make a reasonable CS that has a lot of
partilces in it as witnessed by the bright T.E.

When you made the arc in air the there was a whole bunch of NO3
generated. (note arcing in air is how Dr. Farber before WWI made nitric
acid to explosives.) It also makes NO2 and the twoswithc levels with
time. I will attach a plot of one of my
run made on 11/6/01 and retested yesterday. It is quite revealing.

HVAC ARC when there is a CO2 blanket makes a product that has structured
water and is almost totally ionic. Mine is 98+% ionic as checked by two
labs. The T.E.M. photographs ($75.00 each run) show the size to be 1nm
to 8 nm.

I hve configured my spectrophotometer to measure Ag in ppm , NO3 in ppm,
and NO2 in ppm. I cannot measure silverparticles. that takes an AA, and
they are many kilobucks.

When you get Hanna readings about 100 then you are in the nitric acid

I hope that I have answered you questions.

Yes I  will test your product for all three items. The cost will be
$7.50 for the first sample and $5.00 foreach additional sample in the
same shipment. I will need about 2 oz. seal it well and place in a
ziplock baggy for extra security.

Send to:

System Tech Engineering
Robert L. Berger
12303 E. 89th St.
Kansas City, MO 64138-5150

"ole Bob"

Attachment: NO3 vs NO2 in CS.xls
Description: application/msexcel