Dear Judith, 
Marshalee is correct. I used to be a 'Planned Preventative Maintenance' person
before she mended my ways. :)
See "Fowler's Modern English Usage"  prevent(at)ive. The short form is better;
see LONG VARIANTS where he says 'The better the writer the shorter the words'...
broadly true.... Those who run to long words are mainly the unskilful and
tasteless; they confuse pomposity with dignity, flaccidity with ease, and bulk
with force.


Judith Thamm wrote:
> Tisk Marshalee, Tisk Tisk!
> > (By the way, for the Newbies out there, who missed my rant of several
> months
> > ago, the word is "preventive", not "preventatative",
> > ie.what CS is so good at doing!)
> > OK, I`ll shut up for now!!! :o)
> > Love,
> > Marshalee
> My 3 nearest dictionaries [each is a standard doorstop weight ;) ] say :
>  DK Illustrated Oxford Dictionary
> lists preventative before preventive
> Reader's Digest Complete Word Finder:
> lists preventative before preventive
> The Macquarie Dictionary: [standard Australian reference]
> preventive [& gives definitions] then  says: Also preventative.
> [I collect dictionaries, just BTW.]
> Regards,
> Judith.
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