Some interesting observations, Chuck. That emoticon "<;^)" IS a puzzle - wonder 
whether it is of ancient Sumerian origin? Which brings us to Zacharia Sitchin. 
I have skimmed through his stuff at Why only skimmed? Well, 
his major premise of ancient extraterrestrial visitors ("Anunnaki") from a 12th 
planet "Nibiru" having a hugely eliptical orbit with a of period around 3600 
years, presents a few basic problems. You see, spending so much time out in the 
deeply frozen, dark, and comet bombarded regions of the outer solar system, 
it's hard to imagine how any life could survive, let alone ever get going in 
the first place - irrespective of whether you believe life evolves or is 
divinely created. For a good introduction to the concept of 'habitable zones', 
I would highly recommend reading the feature article "Refuges for Life in a 
Hostile Universe", appearing in the Oct 2001 issue of Scientific American (I 
know, I know, establishment scientists - real weirdos - but sometimes they do 
get it right). Anyhow, if the basic premise is whacky, I see little point in 
going "in-depth", and would prefer some more prosaic explanation of human 
origins, ancient cataclysms, etc, than what Sitchin offers. A ripping good 
yarn, but not to be taken too seriously, in my view. I comment on it here 
because it serves as a good example of how to approach any radical idea - be it 
to do with influences on CS making, ET origins or whatever. Check the basic 
premises; if they fail to make sense, the whole edifice comes crashing down. 
Often it may be hard to determine that, especially on a topic outside one's 
expertise. So the best strategy is then to seek out any Con arguements, and 
sift the total evidence - for and against. This may entail seeking others 
opinions. Time consuming perhaps, but generally worth it in the end. It pays to 
have a healthy skepticism. Just now, I have done a quick search on Sitchin, and 
come up with the following con site; Happy reading. I DO 

regards, Kevin Nolan

Original message:

"On Sun, 30 Dec 2001 00:15:24 +1100, "Kevin Nolan" <>
wrote: >Seems you can read my state of frustration pretty well, Chuck. Not sure 
age has much to do with it, but if it helps build a better profile, all being 
well will turn 50 come St Patrick's Day.

Hmmm, unexpected paydirt! Maybe that's when the search for more meaning in the 
nature of things begins.  I
STARTED training in kung-fu at 45. The circumstances leading up to that in 
retrospect, were esoteric indeed. The sea change in my philosophy from that 
point was a tremendous alteration.

> You seem to be doing pretty well for someone with a blank mind, BTW! Despite 
> the impression I'm obviously giving some, I do have an open mind, but as I'm 
> sure you've quipped, not so open the brain falls out. 

I just leave room for OTHER possibilities, I NEVER bet the rent! Of one thing 
I'm sure of... Only fools are positive.  <;^)
(if you think you've caught me in one, note the seldom-used emoticon) I think 
it was Marshall that set up my reading list for this winter by mentioning 
Sitchin. Got the rest of his books for Christmas. Mind boggling!