Here is the link for the 777 CS maker, it is automatic and very dependabal..I
have had mine for a couple urs now and its

Dave Darrin wrote:

> Roger
> I bought my generator from synergenesis. I've been looking  for a link
> for you  but haven't had any luck.
> Just search for synergenesis in your search engine and you will probably
> find it. I use ixquick for a search engine and it found it immediately.
> The generator is their model 777 for around 120.00 It comes with silver
> electrodes that are 1/2 inch wide by 6 in. long, in my opinion much
> better than the wires others here use.
> Roger D Ragain wrote:
> >Hello Dave,
> >
> >You wrote:
> >
> >>>Nancy:
> >>>
> >You are just spinning your wheels with special bottles. Plain old
> >canning jars do the job just fine.
> >I make mine in a sun tea jar that holds a gallon and has a spigot on the
> >side that lets me decant the cs without filtering. My generator switches
> >polarity every 55 seconds so I never have to clean my electrodes.
> >I fill the jar in the mid afternoon and wake up the next morning to a
> >gallon of cs. I then put it in quart canning jars and put them in my
> >cupboard. The amount left in the sun tea jar becomes the starter for the
> >next batch. About once a month I wipe out the sun tea jar with a fist
> >full of paper towels and start over.
> >It might take a day or more to make the first batch without any starter,
> >it depends on the purity of your distilled water.
> >This is so much simpler than all the watching and stirring that others
> >here recommend .
> >Dave>>
> >
> >
> >Dave, I have been wanting to buy a cs generator but didn't want to make a
> >small batch everytime . I would be interested in knowing where you
> >purchased yours or telephone number,name of generator,price
> >etc. A gallon is closer to what I would like to make at one setting.
> >
> >Thanks,
> >
> >Roger Ragain
> >Cahokia, Illinois
> >United States of America
> >E-mail:
> >
> >
> --
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