Do you know how to replenish, or  preventatively maintain glutathione
levels.   I've heard of a product called Immunocal, "a milk protein dietary
supplement," but it's too expensive for my budget.

Thanks, Dee

-----Original Message-----
From: Duncan Crow <>
To: <>
Date: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 5:34 PM
Subject: Re: CS> CFS

Stress and depression produce toxic hormonal by-poducts that work like free
radicals, depleting glutathione levels.

But raised glutathione levels modulate the cytokine response, boost the
immune system's ability to repel infectious agents, and quench existing free
radicals and associated inflammation (free radical cascades), and break
toxins including normal stress by-products. In addition, in patients with
CFS, myalgias, and irritable bowel, research has shown that these symptoms
relate to the body hogging the glutathione precursors in favour of the
liver, the kidney, brain, and immune system first, at the expense of the
muscles, tissues and bowel lining.



<<increased stress and depression can reactivate latent viruses, decrease
the body's immune response, and stimulate the production of certain
cytokines linked to some CFS-like symptoms.
"Part of this is a chicken-and-egg problem," Kiecolt-Glaser said.
"People diagnosed with CFS often are depressed since they're unable to
carry out normal, daily activities. What we don't know is whether the
depression followed the diagnosis of CFS or if CFS contributed to it.
"We do know, however, that this kind of depression can weaken our immune

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