<<Roger Mason in his book"The Natural Prostate Cure" says to take
N-Acetyl-Cysteine which breaks down and enhances glutathione levels very
effectively and safely,and is very economical.This will raise your
glutathione levels,especially raising your immunity.

Hi Harold;

That's old science. Unfortunately Roger and a lot of doctors still recommend
NAC (and edible GSH).  Problem is that it has a half-life of only two hours
in the body, so must be given several times a day. That's why it's only
useful in the short term for emergencies. Seems Roger may not have heard of
the toxicity levels of NAC, or the paragraph of side effects even at low
doses, though these are well-known. Who is this guy?

We now know that if the NAC is withdrawn (or in between doses) the body's
GSH levels plummet often to well below initial levels. What that means is
accelerated free radical damage, lipid peroxidation, lowered immune system
and several etc's...like a resurgence of infection or disease you have
that's linked to lowered GSH levels, and that's most of them... until the
GSH levels are brought up again.

This is not a desireable long-term therapy. Perhaps you have milk thistle
growing nearby; a better long-term therapy is to eat the roots.

What is proven and is the best way is indeed Immunocal. Immunocal is the
only whey isolate tested by the FDA for this purpose, and it is mentioned
specifically in many Medline abstracts.

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