Yes Satchid, that came through... very nice, thank you.

Couple of questions.

Can you name a substitute for the 4N45 opto-isolators, can't get them
here in NZ.
What type of OPAmp.
Does R3 = 18ohm.
What power supply do you use.
What does R9 control? R11 and R23?
Can you name the TP's for me?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Satchid []
> Sent: Wednesday, 16 January 2002 8:02 a.m.
> To:
> Subject: cs generator as it is now.
> I give you what I have. if you know electronics then it will
> be easy for you
> to understand the setup.
> the first step controls the current,
> the second step the voltage.
> I hope that you can get it in the list.
> The schematic is here
> ---
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