
Catherine Creel wrote:

    <No doubt it was the CS, with it's antibacterial actions.... This was
the smell observed.>

  Cleansing foul-smelling discharges from septic
injuries with diluted 6% H2O2 followed by soaking the
cleansed wound with wet dressing using  very diluted
Colloidal Silver [ 10ppm ] gives satisfactory results.The wet dressing is
changed daily. Granulation of  tissue appears early with good cicatrization.
The deodorant and the healing  effect of this combined
regime works even with  1: 10 dilution  in all my outpatient cases.

     Incidentally, are you the same Catherine Creel I met
 in Medicinegarden famed for its Homeopathy,Flower Essences,Gemstones
,Metaphysics and Medical Astrology ? I may decide to request your ideas on
potentised Colloidal Silver and Colloidal Silver proving. when my Graphics
online courses are done.

With regards

----- Original Message -----
From: "Catherine Creel" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 10:56 PM
Subject: Re: CS> Cracked sore hands

> Hi Larry,
>    You said:
> << He said that there was a rotten smell coming from them ??
>  His hands are now perhaps 98% clear. I've had my hands in
> bad shape before so I know what he means when he said
> "Dad ,this has given me a whole new lease on life !"
> Was it the CS ?? Due to the fact that for 2 years of wearing
> the rubber gloves which kept his hands soaked in sweat anyway,
> and with no change....I'd guess it was the CS>>
>   No doubt it was the CS, with it's antibacterial actions.
> The rubber gloves he wore kept his hands, as you observed,
> in a moist, bacteria-friendly environment.This was the
> observed.>   Nice work!
>    Regards,
> Catherine
> --
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