It is by design these national "news" media blitz's plant doubts. My friend
is a doctor in Florida with a ozone generator. He has used it to cure a
litter of puppies with parvo, and his cousin (my friend as well) used it.
Done properly, it is perfectly safe. Another friend, a retired bio-physicist
in Texas, has much experience with Ozone and IV H2O2. He also was treating
cancer patients for years with Koch's SSR ( ),
illegally nonetheless.  No, ozone doesn't work in each case, but why is it
that ozone is commonly used in Europe....for decades, yet the medical
nimrods in the U.S. refuse to recognize it? It is not mainly for cancer.
Researchers have used ozone. The literature is replete. Another is UVBI
(ultraviolet blood irradiation). Extremely effective against pathogenic
invaders, and has been in use for over 40 years.....but not accepted.
  Understand the politics of medicine and you will understand why many
modalities will never make it to mainstream. Remember, it was proven in 1983
that stomach ulcers were caused by H Pylori. It took until 1996 to be
accepted. Today there are over 20 isolated bacterium. Also, Rife, Koch and
others in the 1920's and 1930's said toxins (from viruses, etc.) caused
cancer. They were scoffed at and worse. Today there are 5 viruses proven to
cause cancer.
  I would have liked to offer a $10,000 challenge to Mr. Barrett that there
is more than one "cure" for Hepatitis C, easily disproven by lab reports.
One is an herbal mixture documented by M.D.'s. I used this for several
things. However, he's broke from all the lawsuits he's losing in court. This
guys a phony, and the truth be known was originally financed by the AMA et
al. He hasn't had a real job in 20 years.
  Do some research and you'll find the same ones that control the drug
industry are the same ones that run the media. They're all in bed together.
  Finally, one must understand that you can research all you want. Material
published is done by consensus, not necessarily based on fact. They publish
what they want.
  I could go on and on, but the point is mute. The public is brainwashed.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Catherine Creel" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 11:23 AM
Subject: Re: CS>online discussion with Barrett on Friday, Jan. 25, at 1 p.m.

> Hi Tel,
>   You said:
> <<They can not have it both ways !  Here on ABC News they explore
> zapping Anthrax Mail with Ozone, But last night they reported Ozone is
> not effective in treating cancer....Jimmy a Break !>>
>     Their reason for satying this is because researchers never tried
> ozone in humans.  In vitro it tells them it creates enough free radicals
> to kill a person, so they won't try it.
>   However, that being said, because ozone kills one thing, does not mean
> it kills another - any more than one antibiotic is right for everything.
>   If ozone worked on cancer all the time, no one would die.
> The fact is, in some people, ozone keeps cancer at bay.
> In others, it does nothing.
>  This is why I don't see ABC as being inconsistent.
>   Regards,
> Catherine
> --
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