<< Do some research and you'll find the same ones that control the drug
industry are the same ones that run the media. They're all in bed together.
  Finally, one must understand that you can research all you want. Material
published is done by consensus, not necessarily based on fact. They publish
what they want.
  I could go on and on, but the point is mute. The public is brainwashed.>>

  You're preaching to the choir.  I'm a researcher and writer specializing
health and medicine.

  You said:

  <<Finally, one must understand that you can research all you want.
Material published is done by consensus, not necessarily based on fact.
They publish what they want.>>

    This is why it is necessary to have a background in these sciences
so that the material can be evaluated in-depth.  My objection is to those
who make up the answers to be in accordance with what they most
desire to be the truth.

   My response about ozone was in direct response to a particular
statement, not about ozone therapy in general.


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