Golly, James, 

 You do wield a helluva hammer for "wake-up" calls!

Namaste:  Bob Bartell





-----Original Message-----
From: James Osbourne, Holmes [mailto:a...@cybermesa.com] 
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 5:59 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: CS>Fwd: e mails with Quackwatch> subverted list


Everything of any substantive value has been taken over by another, you
just haven't snapped to it yet. 


This list is primarily about CS, in all its aspects.  Regardless of the
questions about how to make it, how to make it better, is it safe, on
what does it work, what is the best way to use it, what are the
potential dangers to bad technique, etc., none of its benefits will be
available to any but the elite if tyranny forbids its manufacture or
limits its availability with Draconian (dragon, big reptile-like)
regulation or price fixing. 


 After all, CS has given us the ability to make a very safe and
user-ignorance-tolerant germicidal and healing-enhancing-agent without
the interference of restrictive monopoly commerce and government
enforcement thereof.  So far. 


The events of the past few centuries and of the past few months---some
say vastly greater spans of time---are prelude to a time when a very
small group of assholes (for those who are offended by colorful
language, read a##&*!?s) violently committed  to see that all that is
not forbidden is mandatory and to kill or lobotomize those who resist.
There may be some possibility of stopping that steamroller.  The more
people who have access to suppressed information that they can use to
make up their own mind about that, the more chance we have of stopping


Thus, my motive, and that of others who address similar concerns on this
list, is to try to preserve, among other valuable things now in great
peril, our natural right of self-medication.


A lot of the not-really-on-topic info exchange is related to that issue.


And sometimes, when the hot meaty fresh topics directly related to CS
are not overwhelming, some of the faithful believe that the LIST GOD
allows his subjects, in his infinite wisdom and grace, a bit of topic
elasticity or even goofing. Or, sometimes the list is filled with
testimonials about how much (hopefully, not how often) some people love
their dogs, cats, birds, horses and what have you.  When the rants are
personal attacks, not based in some sort of foundation of fact (whatever
the hell that is) or attention-and-bandwidth-consuming chitchat; or
dangerously misleading to the gullible or ignorant; or some combination
of those factors, Ye shall know HIS wrath. 


Most of all, I hope our digressions, if not sometimes useful, are not


James-Osbourne: Holmes

 Disclaimer: the opinions expressed in this mail are not represented as
those of this list owner, his agents, heirs, or assigns.

-----Original Message-----
From: dwells2...@aol.com [mailto:dwells2...@aol.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 11:51 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Fwd: e mails with Quackwatch


Am I somehow on another list and the old Silver list has been taken over
by another?

Don Wells

His father is Sir George Hebert Walker Bush.  They are related to the
Big Bush's father Prescott was a principal actor in financing the Nazis.

He is a member of Skull and Bones.  Their ritual requires that he have a

Even if you are on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit