Remember. The (corporate) UNITED STATES is 10 square miles in Wash. D.C.
Home of the federal government and its territories;  it is the proper name
for Federal Land and its territories (D.C. and federal territories).  The
individual States joined forces and formed the united States of America.
You are a Citizen of the union of states known as "united States of
America."  Let the UNITED STATES  in D.C. and all its skullduggery go if
they wish.   You are an American Citizen and not a citizen of the UNITED
STATES except by contract which can be vitiated due to contracting under
fraud and misrepresentation.   If you think any of your tax dollars go to
the Fed govt to run this country, read the Grace Commission Report ordered
by Ronald Reagan.
James B
----- Original Message -----
From: "James Osbourne, Holmes" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 1:25 PM
Subject: RE: CS>Fwd: e mails with Quackwatch

> Hello TJ,
> Toward?  No.  US merged into the UN in the '70's.  No documentation at
> present, but I am working on it.
> The whole thing is so fantastic that it shatters one's reality frame.
> Unfortunately it is true. The whole government has been from the
> a set up.  The Nazi intelligence apparatus at the end of W2, like the
> scientific community was absorbed into the US.
> The people---creatures?---behind this plan in terms of eons.  A couple of
> centuries is micromanagement.
> See:
> and the three links following
> --
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