It has been years since I read the material.  There may be changes; I
suggest you get info from someone who is better informed than myself.  At
that time the ozone gas was simply inflate the large bowel with the ozone,
where it is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream.  I think there is only
one cell wall between the capillaries there and whatever is in the bowel.
This requires very failsafe pressure regulation, I presume nothing
mechanical, more probably a simple bag that you squeeze.  Since ozone
attacks many materials, including rubber, I don't think a conventional enema
bag would work.  Looking on an Oxygen/ozone list would be a good start.

No, I am not putting anyone on.

James-Osbourne: Holmes

 -----Original Message-----
From:   Leo Regehr []
Sent:   Thursday, January 31, 2002 6:29 PM
Subject:        Re: CS>Checking..JUst Ignore..

How does one do an ozone enema? Just ozonate water, heat it to body
temperature and do the enema?

"James Osbourne, Holmes" wrote:

> Easier and safer to get the ozone in the blood with an ozone enema. Widely
> used by AIDS sufferers world-wide with gov. approval and in this country
> without approval.
> James-Osbourne: Holmes
>  -----Original Message-----
> From:   Bob Bartell []
> Sent:   Wednesday, January 30, 2002 9:43 PM
> To:
> Cc:     'Rosemary Bailes'
> Subject:        RE: CS>Checking..JUst Ignore..
> Hi Douglas,
> Its late, I'm tired, and not up to digging out the references, but as I
> recall .... a doctor in Texas and another in Stuttgart, Germany were
> quite successful in treating aids/HIV by repeated treatments that
> consisted of removing a pint of blood, ozonating the blood until it
> turned bright red (oxygenation)and infusing it back into the body.  As
> for CS ... yes, HIV is a virus and is readily exterminated in vitro ...
> in Petri dishes in the lab, and in my humble opinion, should work well
> in vivo .... inside the body.
> If I had it, I'd probably slowly (Herx effect) work my way up to
> consuming a quart a day of 10ppm CS (or stronger) until the doctor
> informed me that I tested negative.  Then I would continue for another
> month, just to be sure.
> Also check out electrotherapy techniques that are advocated on the
> "Royal Rife" website ... (Use your search engine)! Then there is Dr.
> Hulda Regehr Clark, Ph.D., N.D. who has cured (in six weeks) and
> documents 75 case histories in her book, "The Cure for HIV and AIDS"
> which you can order from  Hope this helps....
> Namaste:  Bob Bartell
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Douglas De La Roca []
> Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 10:41 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Checking..JUst Ignore..
> Hello !
> I have a question and not sure who can help...but anybody giving any
> information will be of great help.  I been researching CS for a quiet a
> while now...
> My question is How effective is CS with HIV+
> if there a simple treatment or  prove that it even works?
> Please any comments on this email at
> Thanks so much for any help...
> i am 24 year old male...trying to understand this medecine.
> thanks
> DD
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Grant" <>
> To: "Silver - List" <>
> Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 8:32 PM
> Subject: CS>Checking..JUst Ignore..
> > Just checking to see if this goes through..
> > Strange no msgs tonight..
> >                                gm..
> >
> >
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