
I would very much like to hear your ideas on accomplishing this.  Do you
plan on keeping a generator in the pool?
A neighbor recently showed me an advertisement for something you insert
into the middle of a paper filter that is supposed to produce ozone. 
I'll ask to look at it again.  I didn't see how it was suppose to work. 
Are you planning on purchasing or building an ozone generator?
Life is Good!

On Thu, 14 Mar 2002 10:53:53 -0500 Marshall Dudley <>
> So I did some research last night and guess what I found out.  The 
> problem is that the ions of copper
> react with the chlorine in the pool and form basic copper chloride 
> which is insoluble, and the silver
> combines forming silver chloride, which is almost insoluble.  So 
> both plate out, the first being a blue
> green and the second being a grey or black.
> If you put no chlorine in the water, you should get no staining!  
> The pool place said that you have to
> use chlorine occasionally to shock the pool.  They are half right, 
> the pool water does have to be
> shocked, since the organics will not be destroyed by the copper or 
> silver.  But you can also shock
> continuously using an ozone generator.
> I believe this is the best way to go, and we will likely have some 
> real experience with such a system
> next year.
> Marshall

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