On Thu, 14 Mar 2002 21:15:55 -0800 (PST), Joyce Inouye
<jinou...@ccsf.cc.ca.us> wrote:

>I feel silver should be taken like an antibiotic -- only when our
>immune system cannot handle all the germs and needs
>The best way to keep free of germs is to build a healthy Immune
>System by eating healthy foods.  Also by taking extra food

If you can find healthy foods that have all the minerals needed by the
human body, then I agree completely with you.  However, even the best
of the organically grown foods are missing the minerals we need.  One
of those minerals is silver.

When you're missing silver (copper, and other minerals) you're
stressing you body and forcing your immune system to work overtime --
which is the common mode of operation for most people on Western diets
(organic or not).

As a result, we need colloidal silver (and other colloidal minerals)
as a standard supplement to our diets.

-- Dean -- from (almost) Des Moines -- KB0ZDF

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