Look on e-bay
 I got some real skin nippers there cheap..way cool but got to be really
careful with them. A 3/8 button picks up 4 pounds. They hold each others
weight on opposite sides of my finger.  They might erase your neighbors
credit cards and they tend to roll themselves toward the fridge. Ya need
pliers to pull em off!

At 12:30 PM 3/16/02 -0600, you wrote:
>                                Dear James,
>                            Please excuse my tardy response....the speed
of life
>seems to be exceeding my capabilities.  Yes, there are several different
>which will furnish useful results.  The most economical and
efficient---for cost
>and availability---may be obtained from Radio Shack.  They are the small
>rectangular (ceramic type) ones;  about 3/8" thick X  1" wide X  1.25"
long.  I
>forget what we paid for them....but it was quite reasonable;  probably
about .25
>each.  The orientation should be in the long dimension parallel to the tubing
>geometry.  It is of no consequence which magnetic pole is in what circular
>position......just be sure that one (+) pole is facing one (-)
>the magnetic influence.  Actually, our best results came from the use of
>neodymium magnets salvaged from computer hard drives.....but (sometimes) the
>alignment presents a challenge (unless you obtain units where the
orientation is
>on the flat sides).
>                            The neodymium magnets seemed to be the only ones
>capable of producing any measureable improvement in the utilization of
>combustible hydrocarbons (i.e., gasoline).  These hydrocarbon evaluations
>quite non-scientific....being performed by shop personnel during "free time".
>                            Yes, we did perform "real time" evaluations on
>animal subjects.  The specific data of which I do not have at hand.
However, I
>do recall from memory one interesting fact----the experiments involving the
>upper G.I. section (particularly the stomach), yielded a measureable
>in speed-of-transport-reaction.....from epithelium interface to
>bloodstream-----over the transport speeds achieved in the lower colon.  We
>no reliable explanation for this (theories yes, but proven postulates....no).
>                                We , never, seriously considered monitoring
>human subjects for this "transport speed" effect;  for the simple reason that
>our evaluation methodology requires cannulation of high-flow circulatory
>channels.  Cannulation of larger veins carries some risk and cannulation of
>Arterial members carries a POWERFUL challenge, extending to the safety and
>well-being of the subject.  The incidence of ischemically-induced
>damage....including death....following or during heart valve/chamber
>examinations using physically-inserted transducers----is far more common
than is
>generally recognized.  And this, for an EXAMINATION procedure!
>                                                Best Regards, Brooks.
>p.s.  Interesting you should memtion Viktor Schauberger, we have
investigated a
>number of his postulates......and have been able to verify them ALL.  His
>seminal works on vortices remains as the "high-water" mark in such
>"James Osbourne, Holmes" wrote:
>> Hello Listees  and Brooks,
>> Your information regarding the enema method of administering  the CS is
>> extraordinary and very useful.  The funnel with magnets is another great
>> presentation.  I  Thank you and your staff for two more excellent and
>> useful research results.  I had heard years ago of some people using that
>> method to take boiled-down peyote solution.  It was reported that only the
>> desirable agents were absorbed, and the nausea-producing substances were
>> rejected by the lower bowel.
>> I have, for many years, occasionally installed domestic water treatment
>> devices utilizing magnets and intended to reduce scale formation of calcium
>> and magnesium carbonates within piping systems, and to reduce the spotting
>> of those materials on glassware.  It occurred to me that one could probably
>> get identical effects by simply using adhesive tape to fasten  the correct
>> gauss-strength magnets in the appropriate configuration on the outside of a
>> pipe. The effect is probably more pronounced with the properly oriented
>> vortex, compared with the turbulent flow through a small pipe.  This goes
>> back to the work of  Victor Schauerbarger (I probably don't have his name
>> right), and later, Grander.
>>  Can you recommend specific magnets?  Perhaps something available from
>> Edmond Scientific?
>> I recall an earlier test that your researchers did with dogs and the 5PPM
>> CS/MSM/Lactated Ringers solution  introduced directly into the stomach via
>> an esophageal tube.  You reported that the enhanced transport rate through
>> the cell wall---attributed to the MSM and Ringers---resulted in
>> approximately 4X the blood levels of CS in the same time frame compared
>> only CS sol.
>> Did you do any available real-time measurements of the CS blood levels with
>> the colonic route of administration?
>> James-Osbourne: Holmes
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