I know a dozen Experimenters who use this model including myself, I
hooked up a $4.95 fish tank bubblier, and I get great CS every time and
it stays clear., very little fallout, even at higher PPM.  This unit is
automatic,  with variable strength dial. I have had mine for a long
Tel Tofflemire
Phoenix, AZ

Title: Colloidal Silver making and research supplies cheap
Colloidal silver

Colloidal Silver Generators, Making Colloidal Silver, Colloidal Silver Research & Supplies, Colloidal Silver Articles.

Colloidal Silver - High Quaility Colloidal Silver for Pennies an Ounce!

Welcome to Wishgranted.com!

By Synergenesis, Inc. Since Feb, 03 1998

Now Available Colloid Master ®

Model 777 Universal

Colloidal silver generator

Allow1 week for delivery.

Caveat Emptor! "You get what you pay for".

Enjoy the new web site, articles and information!

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New Colloidal Silver Articles:

Colloidal Silver (An Analytical - Investigative Report & Theoretical Overview)

by Vincent Goetsch

(1) Introduction

(2) What Is A Colloid?

(3) What Is Colloidal Silver?

(4) Colloidal Silver, A Brief History

(5) Lab Test Results, The Reasons To Continue Research

(6) Colloidal Silver Toxicology

(7) Different Forms Of Colloidal Silver

(8) Making Colloidal Silver Easily, Correctly And Inexpensively

Illigitmis Non Carborundum

NOTICE: No claims are made nor implied, with regard to the use of colloidal silver / silver mineral water for medical conditions. Colloidal silver is regulated by the FDA and is not approved as an OTC (over the counter) drug by the FDA. There is no RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) established, nor is the need, role or safety regarding nutritional use established clinically / scientifically. Therefore; we are not implying nor recommending such use, nor, that anyone self diagnose and treat their own illness using silver or other minerals dispersed into water using the Colloid Master or by any other means. For information regarding potential uses, areas of interest, regulation and related documents please click the "Research" link at the top of this page. Use of this Web site constitutes acceptance of the TERMS OF USE AND CONDITIONS AGREEMENT, LEGAL DISCLAIMER , NOTICES. Please read the "Terms Of Use" before proceeding. Thanks for your cooperaton and understanding... Mgmt.

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