-----Original Message-----
From: James Osbourne, Holmes [mailto:a...@cybermesa.com]
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2002 7:42 AM
Subject: RE: CS question

Hi Mariano,

  1.. Get competent experienced assistance from a medical pro before poking
veins.  Make certain everything is sterile and that the needle is the
correct gauge and sharp.  Use only approved tubing, etc.  It is not always
easy to hit a vein without unnecessary damage.
  2.. Adjust the CS with USP NaCl to an isotonic solution; i.e. same
salinity as blood.
  3.. Do not use any CS that contains anything but high-purity Ag and water.
  4.. Don’t do the IV without first taking some CS P.O.;  a massive kill off
of certain pathogens can cause the release of large amounts of toxins when
the cell wall breaks---the Herxheimer(Sp?) effect.   This is very
unpleasant, and potential fatal.  It would be prudent to first observe the
effect of increasingly large oral doses.
  5.. Consider using instead the oral transport enhancing solution that B.B.
’s group developed; Lactated Ringers, MSM and CS.  This gets the CS
blood-level up 4X that of CS alone, without the invasive technique.  It is,
or was a while back in time,  in the following proportions: 10 mg/l [PPM]
CS, 1 oz; Ringers Lactate, 3 oz; Methylsulfonylmethane, one quarter oz.
  6.. According to one John Hopkins PhD who did a literature review, the
toxic dose of silver for the standard human 70 kg unit is 3.8 grams per day.
There should be no need to go anywhere near that; probably a 1/10,000 of
that amount will kill any pathogen.
  7.. Not really knowing, I suspect that only extreme acute conditions would
need such heroic measures; in such a situation, you would certainly need the
expertise of someone trained and experienced in the management of such
conditions.  But, maybe IV  CS can reach  and eradicate some deep-seated
pathogens like Lyme and Herpes in the absence of acute symptoms.

There are a couple of Docs on this list who occasionally comment; perhaps
one of them will step in with better and more qualified information.  Lew?

Good fortune to you with the problem at hand,

James-Osbourne: Holmes

-----Original Message-----
From: MARIANO DELISE [mailto:nancym...@prodigy.net]
Sent: Sunday, March 24, 2002 12:25 PM
To: James Osbourne Holmes
Subject: CS question

I have been a member of the silver list for over a year.  I have learned a
great deal about CS from you and the rest of the knowledgeable people on the
list.  There is so much more to learn.

    I do know I have MS, and my life has improved 75% since CS. I am a
complete believer in the use of CS, but I know I have only scratched the
surface of knowledge.

    I have been trying to find out about using CS in an IV.  I did get some
information from some publications from John Hill which was informative.
I'm wondering if you can direct me to any other information on this subject.

    Thank you ahead for any help you can give me.

Nancy DeLise