Hi Wayne,  
I also am concerned at the hogwash we are being fed about Sunshine causing Skin 
Cancers.  I believe the real cause are the unnatural chemicals which we are 
feeding and putting on our bodies. We are eating Polyunsaturated, partially 
unsaturated, hydrogenated and chemically altered oils.  We also put on 
unhealthy combinations of petroleum based sun tan oils, mineral oils and 
chemically broken oils. Oils which have chemical perfumes. And what about the 
sunscreens are they of any benefit? I won't use them I think they are 
hazardous.  We put insect repellants on our bodies then go play in the sun.  We 
are also subjected to chemically filtered sunshine. We also breath air which is 
polluted with many cancer causing chemicals. The majority of people do not eat 
foods which pass through the system easily.  Many people have slow digestion 
which allows toxins to develop in the digestive system. Our meat comes from 
fish and animals which are fed hormones, antibiotics and sprayed with 
insecticides. I believe in sun exposure.  My Holistic Doctor has suggested that 
I take 1 tablespoon Carlson's Lemon Flavored Cod Liver Oil twice a day to get 
DHA, DPA, ALA, Vitamins A and D.  He feels the that it helps to protect the 
brain from damage caused by MS. He also thinks it is protective of cancer. How 
about that.  Marlene   
----- Original Message -----
From: Wayne Fugitt
Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2002 1:29 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>Malignant Melanoma
Evening Larry,

  BONG, the light went on... I had bought a hot tub in1992 and use to get
>the chlorine so strong it would burn my eyes....DUH DUDE.. DUH.

   I think chlorine is bad, any way you cut it and any way you get it.

   It appears to me, the mainstream is trying to brainwash the masses to
believe the sunshine is bad and causes some forms of melanoma.

   In following this brainwashing, I have been irritated that the weather
channel has had numerous ads telling the children to play in the
shade.   Even the Blue Cross publication had articles damming the sun and
telling parents to keep children out of the sun.

   Now I get a newsletter from a half mainstream / half alternative doctor
that says limit sunlight exposure to 15 minutes.   ( Dr. Julian Whittaker )

   To show how much I believe this hogwash, I just came in from a 1.5 hour
work session in the sun with my shirt removed.  Likely I will get 1.5 to
2.0 hours more before the day is over.

   I realize that specific individuals who have major body chemistry
problems, multiple vitamin and mineral deficiencies, could in fact be
damaged by the sunlight.

   Recently I read an article that was quoting world statistics on melanoma
which stated that a large percent of the cases are in the northern states
that get the least sunlight.

   So..... have I been brainwashed in the wrong direction, or..... is there
a mainstream move to create more cancer?


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