Actually there are problems even with that.  In Canada a farmer was sued 
because he was using his own seeds, and some of Monsanto's pollen from another 
farm blew in, so his crop was a hybrid with Monsanto's genes in it. They tested 
it, found some of their patented genes, sued and won!

Also through cross pollination his crop could produce seeds that are sterile, 
forcing him to purchase the seeds later.


Ode Coyote wrote:

>      Reqardless of what Monsanto might be selling, the farmer does not have 
> to buy it. He can plant any seeds he wants to.
>      Ken
>      How about this one. Just a handful of companies can control the food 
> supply of the world, and the ultimate pricing of such. Using "terminator 
> technology", all seeds produced by the plants are sterile. Therefore, the 
> farmer MUST buy new seeds every year, at the going price, which is decided by 
> a small handful of companies. Want to see the ultimate in greed and power? 
> There it is. No one eats unless they can pay your price.
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