Chicken pox is a form of the herpes virus, as are
shingles, cold and canker sores, measles and others.

All of them are killed by CS, and all of them go away
in the presence of the amino acid L-lysine.

With shingles (Herpes Zoster) the CS needs to be
applied to the skin (as well as ingested), both on a
regular, frequent basis.

L-lysine should be ingested at a level of about 1,000
mg every 2 hours, or 3,000 mg with each meal.

Both CS and lysine are effective against all forms of
herpes, but the two combined are very powerful. They
can safely be consumed at the same time.

My own experience with Herpes Simplex I (cold sores)
was a steroid-aggravated occasion (compliments of an
ignorant doctor) that covered my whole head, neck,
shoulders, half-way down my chest and half-way down my
back. I was in Stanford hospital for nearly a week, on
codeine the whole time, and the doctors had no clue
what to do. They finally baked me for 4 days under a
high-powered infra-red lamp, and the the herpes
subsided. (They made me promise I wouldn't sue them if
I got skin cancer!)

Ever since then (30 years ago), I experienced cold
sore outbreaks on my face 2-4 times a year, which
would spread all over my face and neck if I didn't
respond to it promptly. Responding to it promptly, I
discovered, meant ingesting copious amounts of lysine
(5,000-10,000 mg/day). This treatment stopped the
spread of the sores immediately, and they would be
gone in 3-4 days.

Ever since I began drinking CS 4 years ago (10-20
oz/day), I have had only one cold sore.

I consider the CS/lysine combination to be the most
effective approach to combatting all forms of the
herpes virus.

Of nearly equal importance is to adjust one's diet to
complement the supplementation.

Because the herpes virus thrives on the amino acid
arginine, one must omit from one's diet (at least
temporarily) those foods which are high in arginine.
That would include all nuts, seeds, beans and grains.
The "food" that is highest in arginine is chocolate,
followed closely by peanuts, then lesser amounts in
other nuts, beans, seeds and grains.

A temporary therapeutic diet composed of fruits,
vegetables, meats and dairy products will avoid
additional arginine. Any protein is high in lysine. 

It's not that you must eat meat or dairy products,
it's that you must avoid nuts, beans, seeds and
grains. (Remember, coffee is a bean, and is therefore
high in arginine.) Once the herpes outbreak is gone,
you can again consume those foods. Meat and dairy
products, being proteins, are high in lysine.

Since the outbreak of those all-over sores I had, I
cannot now get away with eating chocolate or peanuts
at any time without the high probability of cold sores

Terry Chamberlin
Metabolic Solutions Institute
RR1  314 Carleton Rd
Lawrencetown, NS B0S 1M0
902-584-3810 voice
413-826-7641 fax service

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