Hi all,

Now that we're getting back towards 40 messages per day on the list, 
it's perhaps time to think of taking the OT threads over to the new 
off-topic list?

I'm thinking of our discussion of coconut oil, and maybe zappers.

What I'm aiming for in the list rules is the following:

Anybody can talk about CS related stuff all they want, until it's 
obvious the topic is exhausted. Anybody can *ask* any health related 
question they want and people can answer...

HOWEVER, non-CS related topics ought to migrate or end as soon as the
basics are covered so people know where to go for follow up and have
their basic curiosity satisfied.

Besides that, there's a small permissable level of chit-chat and other
'noise' that's needed to keep things friendly -- provided it's not
abused. More than that ought to be handled on the OT list.

I'd like it to be as easy as possible to switch threads over and for 
people to follow them. All that needs to happen is somebody puts...


... in the cc: or Reply to: fields of their message, and the thread 
starts up over there. Mention what you're doing, and hopefully others 
will follow.

You don't have to get messages in your mailbox from the OT list in 
order to follow the thread and even add to it. You can read the OT list 
at our e-Scribe archives at:


If you're a member of the silver list, then the off topic list should 
accept your postings and replies automatically.

If you want to subscribe to get individual messages or digests from the 
off topic list, you can do that too.

All of this is explained in great detail at our new web site address...

Drumroll, please!!!   TA DAAAA!


Thank you, thank you. You're so kind! <bows>

Be well,

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@eskimo.com                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@eskimo.com>