Hello Richard,\

A friend had a lung mold infection.  Nothing worked.  He used the “Brooks
Bradley Group” airbrush miracle machine loaded with CS/MSM solution, driven
with O2 and was almost completely cured in 3 days.  Search the archive.
They will cost a little over $100 bux to build.

James-Osbourne: Holmes

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Sobe [mailto:im_numbe...@msn.com]
Sent: Friday, May 24, 2002 11:50 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>New Subscriber


My name is Richard Sobe. I recently became interested in Colloidal Silver
and Colloidal Gold while searching the internet for a lower priced Clark
Zapper. I have had a viral/fungal cold since mid February, been to the D.O.
four times, spent $100 on visits over a five week period, took three
different kinds of antibiotics and still wasn't cured. This somewhat
aggravated me to the point of searching for a better solution to my health
problem. The third time I returned to the doctor I had reiterated that I had
been in contact with an extremely large concentration of Black Mold so he
gave me an antibiotic designed specifically for that but after taking the
course of meds, I still wasn't completely cured. Being how I do not have
insurance he was kind enough to give me the medicines out of the sample
stock but it didn't matter because they didn't work. Don't get me wrong
here, part of what was ailing me was gone, but the chronic lung problem
wasn't. This concerned me to the point of thinking what I got can't be cured
(I recall reading that somewhere on the web) completely to where the patient
suffering from a Black Mold infection would have to be on a lifelong
prescription to antibiotics. Well with my current situation of being an
unemployed single parent of two, that solution was unacceptable. Early on in
my sickness I found some information about Dr. Hulda Clark's kidney and
liver cleanse so I downloaded it and printed it. I gave it to my
chiropractor to ask her opinion of if it was safe to use those herbs and she
said it would be fine. I got a copy of Dr. Clark's Cure for all Diseases
from my library and started reading about how to make a Zapper. After
searching on the web for Zappers and finding many different models and
prices I found some of the companies selling Zappers sold Colloidal Silver.
I did research on the C.S., looking for positive and negative things about
it. The worst thing I found about ingesting silver was a woman who was quite
bluish/gray in appearance. She had used some nose drops back in the 50's for
some years while a young child and by the time she was 14, she had argyria.
>From what I have found this is caused by silver salts and not from pure
colloidal silver. So here I am asking all of you:

*       how long you have been taking C.S.
*       if you have changed colors
*       if you know of anyone who has changed colors
*       what it takes to o.d. on C.S. to be able to turn colors (so I don't,
of course)
*       how long it takes for this to happen to someone
*       if it is true that the ionic silver when mixed with chloride becomes
silver chloride (silver salt)
*       is the C.S. I am making with my 27V battery setup is safe
*       what is the safest/affordable way to make C.S. for my own personal
*       does anyone use a Zapper and if so, how has it worked for you
*       what is the stock market going to do in the next six months (just
kidding, I had to let all of you know I do have a sense of humor ;~))
and anything else that can ease my mind that I am not poisoning myself and I
won't look like a smurf in 5 years from the repeated use of this stuff. I
have started using the C.S. that I bought out of a health food store on
Monday, May 20th 2002 and I built my own Zapper on the 21st and started
using it right away. I started making my own C.S. with just three 9V
batteries, the clip on .9999 silver leads and distilled water on Wednesday
the 22nd. It is now Friday and I can say that I feel like 90% of my chest
mold congestion has been destroyed. I started with a two teaspoon a day dose
of the C.S. and then upped it to four tablespoon a day dose when I didn't
feel like the junk in my lungs was leaving. I believe it is a combination of
both the Zapper and the C.S. that has helped me, although I burned out the
timer chip in my Zapper on Thursday afternoon and went without it until
Friday afternoon, yet continued to get better. I did have two cold sores
that healed rather quickly and I went through the detox stuff with the
diarrhea on the second day and on the third day I had a heightened sense of
perception and happiness. I took it too far though and started staying up
later and later and have the feeling of sleep deprivation so I know I need
to keep my normal sleep routine. Boy I sure can ramble, huh? Well, I would
appreciate any knowledgeable feedback and I will continue to report in with
my findings as I reach them.
Thank You,

Richard Sobe

P.S. I just received some Colloidal Gold today and began taking it at 1