Noel writes:
> The dog that was almost killed== Was he a volunteer? Dominion over
> animals does not mean that human kind can willfully do anything to an
> animal. Dominion means humankind are caretakers of animals not forced
> torture. Animals just like humans have dignity,and rights to live in
> peace.

Most everything I remember from Brooks involved human volunteers and
pets that belonged to staff members. If that qualifies as
"volunteering" then the answer is yes. It doesn't seem to be their
custom to do research that results in the destruction of animals.

That said, "Animal Rights" involves far too much of politics and
religion to be an appropriate subject for the silver list. If anybody
wants to debate the issue, take it to the silver-off-topic-list...

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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