Marshall wrote that for CS to work against food poisoning, it would
necessarily have to inactivate toxins.  I am not sure about this, but it
seems to me that CS or any other effective medicine would not need to
inactivate toxins if the medicine were administered soon after ingestion
of the toxin-producing bacteria.  If it were destroyed early, there
would be a low level of toxins which the body could flush out.   

In Japan, some children died of o-157 bacteria -- source still unknown,
possibly due to AUM Shinikyo poisioning of water tanks, though this is
only a hypothesis -- because doctors gave them massive doses of
anti-biotics which ruptured the bacillus, releasing all the toxins at

I am not authority on this topic,  but the main point is this:  if CS
does NOT inactivate toxins -- I have no idea whether it does nor not --
then the key step would be to take CS at the very first twinge of
dis-ease.   Same would go for any other remedy.  

BTW r.e. the posting about "650" -- a common claim is that only CS can
kill viruses, whereas antibiotics can not.   Dr. Y. Omura MD claims that
EPA/DHA fish oil is a powerful agent against bacteria and viruses.   
This is a cheap, widely-available nutraceutical which it might be wise
to stockpile. 


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