Dear Wayne and Jack,

Thanks very much for your responses. I do actually take it everyday but...with no rhyme or reason. Sometimes empty stomach, sometimes not, sometimes a little, sometimes a lot, but everyday and "usually" a few times a day. It doesn't sound as though taking CS on an empty stomach is that important, although as in the case of Wayne, it sounds like if I was really sick I might want to only take CS.

Why I am especially wondering now is that I have had a chronic cough for a couple of months (mostly a lying-down-at-night thing)and I need to clear my throat a lot (that's been forever, it seems). But the last week it has gotten much worse. Sort of sounds like a bronchial thing. I feel sort of insulted because I keep thinking with CS I shouldn't get sick and the most sick I have gotten in a year is for an occasional day when I just feel "ick." Then it is completely gone next morning. Compare it to 4 times the year before when I never used CS and got laid up for about a week at a time. I don't feel "sick" with this cough; sometimes I just feel exhausted and a little crummy but not enough to send me to bed...and this is not all the time either.

Since my mother just discovered she has lung cancer, I guess my head gets carried away with itself too.

Anyway, I was just wondering...

Thanks again,

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