Nope, not at all.  Colloidal silver is pure silver in water, safe and
effective.  MSP is a silver compound, it is bound with protein, not
safe, but still effective.

Whether or not $50 a bottle is a good price for CS depends on the bottle
size.  $50 should buy a gallon or so of pure CS.


"S. Eric Jackson" wrote:

> Is Colloidal Silver and Mild Silver Protein the same thing?
> If not, what are the differences.
> Should it cost $50 a bottle, (I think one months worth)?
> Eric
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ode Coyote []
> Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2002 9:54 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Real CS Questions
> [go to metalworkers pages]
> Ken
> At 03:09 PM 6/17/02 -0400, you wrote:
> >>>>
> <?smaller>Silver? There are many places on the internet to order it. I
> cannot think of any place right off the top of my head. I am sure many
> people have sites they could offer from which to order it.
> <?/smaller><?smaller>The first place I bought my silver wire from was
> a jewelry store. You could just go to a local jewelry store and order
> (buy) some silver wire from them. It would probably cost a bit more
> than ordering it from somewhere else. Just make certain you get pure
> silver. I believe that I had to order a foot of silver wire when i got
> mine at the jewelry store.
> <?/smaller>
> <?fontfamily><?param Arial><?smaller>-----Original Message-----
> From: <?/smaller><?/fontfamily><?fontfamily><?param
> Arial><?smaller>Beth <<>>
> To: <>
> <<>>
> Date: Monday, June 17, 2002 1:17 PM
> Subject: Re: CS>Real CS Questions
> <?/smaller><?/fontfamily><?fontfamily><?param Arial><?smaller>Thanks
> for all of the answers and info for my last questions. My boyfriend
> has decided to try the recipe from Marshalee (thanks for posting it),
> <?/smaller><?/fontfamily><?fontfamily><?param Arial><?smaller>Where do
> you get the silver from?
> <?/smaller><?/fontfamily><?fontfamily><?param Arial><?smaller>Also, I
> suspect I may have candida overgrowth. I know CS can kill Candida but
> does anyone have experience that it will work without going on the
> strict candida diet? If I start taking it regularly, while cutting my
> sugar intake down, etc... how will should this work? This also leads
> me to question the mother who lost weight from CS. There are
> conditions, I believe Candida for one, that may prevent weight loss.
> If the CS was killing off the candida and the body was getting back in
> balance, the weight might start coming off without the person knowing
> it was related to an underlying condition?!?!?!? What are your
> thoughts?
> <?/smaller><?/fontfamily>Beth Brawn
> No time to exercise? Now you can make it a part of your everyday
> routine with new Cardiostrides! Just wear them and walk! Wear them
> shopping, cleaning, running errands, etc. They make fitness fun and
> simple! Learn more by going to the "My Products" link here:
> <>
> althyfinances/
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
> silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> <>
> To post, address your message to:
> <>
> Silver-list archive:
> <>
> List maintainer: Mike Devour
> <<>>
> <<<<