
TJ should get to an emergency room ASAP!   This is not time for
experimentation or non-professional speculations.   


Brooks Bradley wrote:
>                     Dear TJ,
>         In our animal studies involving Equine encephalitis (Eastern variety),
> we found that very high titers of CS were required to subvert the virus' 
> ability
> to replicate.  We have concluded that the Western variety displays a majority 
> of
> the same characteristics as does the Eastern variety.  Although we have
> conducted no evaluations of the Western variety per se, we have a high degree 
> of
> confidence that those protocols effective against the Eastern variety will,
> also, exhibit control features over the Western variety as well.
>                 If it was me, I would run---not walk---to the nearest 
> available
> clinic and have blood drawn and a complete serology run.  It is paramount that
> you identify the causative agent......then corrective protocols may be
> identified.
>                 The acute nature and the accelerating speed of of the
> insult-----as you describe it----announces it to be of a, possibly, VERY
> consequential effect.   Milder toxins and viral insults DO NOT usually present
> in such a threatening the condition you describe.   The clinic
> physician may be correct, but one would appear foolhardy to accept such an
> unsubstantiated the determining fact----in such a
> circumstance as you have disclosed.
>             Self-medication has its do alleopathic 
> protocols----but
> casting about in the darkness as to the NATURE of THIS one, might be courting
> disaster----most especially if you are 60 years or older.
>             I cannot appeal to you strongly enough to have some RELIABLE
> serology work  done ASAP.
>                                     Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.
> TJ Garland wrote:
> > ON JUly 2 I began to have a little toothache(I thought). It was the root of
> > my upper right incisor.(perfectly good tooth) THe next day about noon I
> > discovered that there was a very tender spot at the base of my right
> > nostril-like an inverted blackhead. There was a little noticable swelling. I
> > immediately began to snort, drink, and swish CS. I also began taking a
> > dropperfull of eichanacea every couple hours. It got worse.I began eating
> > raw garlic and taking 2 capsules of olive leaf extract every 4 hours also.
> > All day on Thursday I took these antibiotics. I used a zapper for
> > staph/strep. Still, my face is getting puffier and more painful. It is
> > spreading up and down. Last night I had chills most of the night..I even did
> > some facial hydrotherapy yesterday. I also applied a mixture of CS, DMSO,
> > and fresh aloe to my right face all day yesterday. NO help. I went to a
> > walk- in clinic about noon today. The doc said it was  just a little
> > edema--and not systemic. Probably a mosquito bite- I had looked thoriughly
> > for a bite mark. Mosquitos  leave a bright red bite mark on me. His best
> > concludion was that I may have been bitten inside the nostril, although he
> > could find nothing. I showed him 2 bites from a pool party Friday on my leg.
> > Of course, I am thinking flesh-eating virus or West Nile virus. I am in Oak
> > Ridge, TN
> > I am typing this at 230 am sat morning. It has spread to my upper lip and
> > into my jaw.There is a  large,puffy sac under my right eye-slightly red. I
> > cannot sleep for the pain. I really need your help quickly.  Thanks,  TJ
> > Garland  865-256-9999
> >
> > TJ Garland, CMO supplier
> >            there are no incurable illnesses-only incurable people.
> >
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