I'd venture to say that nearly any decently made CS is as suitable to be injected as distilled water is.
I have yet to find any difference in meso silver claims and the better range of home made CS.

At 02:57 PM 7/30/02 EDT, you wrote:
There are quite a few things that could or might or sometimes happen in the body with ionic silver. I've spoken with a number of chemists regarding the subject. No chemist I have spoken with ( save one ) was willing to venture a guess on what might happen from A to Z with ionic silver, and the resulting compounds, as the silver makes its way through the body.

Never-the-less, the fact remains that if silver ions can reach the site of the infection, they are more effective
Do you know what is in Sovereign Silver? They claim it's so pure it's one of the few that can be injected. They also say it's effective orally. I'll have to go back to their site and see if I can get more out of their explanation. They might indeed say what is in it besides the silver. I don't recall seeing that info though.
Maybe a good combo for oral use would be the Sovereign Silver and Meso Silver, with the Sovereign being all ionic, (I think), and the Meso being 80 percent colloidal.



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