--- Ode Coyote <coyote...@earthlink.net> wrote:
>   Every single person I have given CS to has
> reported that dabbing CS on an
> emerging cold sore [before it emerges] has resulted
> in the sore never
> emerging.  It just goes away.
> My very first CS generator sale was made to a person
> that had a big problem
> with cold sores. I gave him a sample and he came
> back saying " It works
> better and faster than anything I've ever tried"
>  Adding 10% DMSO might make CS work even better for
> that purpose.
> Further, many people with Herpes report that a small
> maintainence dose of
> CS prevents herpes attacks...100%
> Ken
> At 09:36 AM 8/10/02 -0700, you wrote:
> >is there anybody out there who has tried peg or any
> >other interferon combo treatments and did not
> respond?
> >if so please e-mail me I a am new to cs i'm just
> >trying CS I have purchased the new advanced CS made
> >through a mesoprocess When i was on peg i did
> >partially respond my viral load was over a million
> and
> >my final load dropped down to the low thousands. I
> >would not even dare try to make CS on my own as i
> am
> >still unsure of what could happen down the road.
> thank
> >you
> >
> >
> >p.s. any advice on getting rid of cold sores would
> be
> >helpful also  thank you
> >
What is DMSO?
> >=====
> >what is dmso
> >
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> >Silver-list archive:
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