Dear Christiane,
                Our experimental research involving Hepatitis-C  and Type II
Herpes (also Type I) indicated that all were susceptible to Colloidal Silver
protocols.  In the case of the Herpes insults, the ancillary use of Lysine
proved to increase both the speed of response and the degree of effective an order of magnitude.  The speed of response, especially,
seemed to be dosage-sensitive;  in that introducing larger oral dosages of
Lysine ( 1000 to 2000 mg daily)  particularly at inititation stages of these
experimental protocols........sometimes, gave spectacular results.
                Somewhere in the archives you should find a posting I made some
months ago-----which elaborates somewhat on this topic.  Additionally,  it has
long-ago been demonstrated that lysine-containing salves are quite effective in
ameliorating many of the adverse effects of the presenting lesions themselves.
                                     Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.
p.s.  In Vitro experiments have demonstrated (to our satisfaction)  a very
powerful control response  on all Herpes type well
mycoplasma-based pathogens------whenever actual exposure within a common
environment occurs. wrote:

> >is there anybody out there who has tried peg or any
> >other interferon combo treatments and did not respond?
> >if so please e-mail me I a am new to cs i'm just
> >trying CS I have purchased the new advanced CS made
> >through a mesoprocess When i was on peg i did
> >partially respond my viral load was over a million and
> >my final load dropped down to the low thousands. I
> >would not even dare try to make CS on my own as i am
> >still unsure of what could happen down the road. thank
> >you
> >
> >p.s. any advice on getting rid of cold sores would be
> >helpful also  thank you
> >
> >=====
> >shepp
> >>
> I personally have not tried peg-entron (sp?) but since I am Hep C positive
> and have many friends who are also, I have been asked to.  Also, a very
> good friend of mine just stopped  taking it and it did nothing but make her
> very, very ill.  She said that her viral load went down while she was on
> it, but it rose again after she stopped and is now back at the same place
> it was before she started.  She is not the only friend I have that has
> gotten very sick while taking that 'poison'.
> I personally will NOT put that stuff in my body.  Not after seeing what my
> friends went through.  And I won't even begin to mention the costs
> involved, especially if you have no insurance or Medicaid.
> If you would like to talk with her, I can have her email you.  Let me know.
> Regarding the cold sore/herpes virus, I also have been cursed with that
> (not the mouth cold sore type either!) and I usually get those sores at
> least once a month.  Sometimes more often.  Since I started taking the CS
> I've been making, I only had one sore start to form.  I started to get the
> tingle in the back of my leg but it never developed past that.  Usually
> when I get that tingle, I get a sore two days later.  But this time it
> didn't happen.  Was it the CS?  It's the only thing I've done differently
> this month so I tend to think it is.  Just my opinion though.   Any time
> without one of those sores is a blessing and if the CS can keep them away,
> I'll take it.   If the CS can do all the other wonderful things it seems to
> be able to do, I'll take it forever.  Again, just my opinion.
> Thanks,
> Christine
> --
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