Thanks for your remarks Brooks,

As always entirely reasonable and informative.
I might say, that I have a good deal of respect for those who make a
philosophical or spiritual commitment to the vegetarian way, but there
are those who feel that being vegetarian is more healthy than not. In
my opinion this is not true. I believe that the demonising of protein
and saturated fat, and the lording of carbohydrates (complex or not),
is responsible for much of the obesity and ill health (mental and
physical) of western society. This unfortunately is coupled with the
shunning and blocking of sunlight to the skin and eyes and creates a
hormone and nutrient imbalance which gives rise to a myriad of chronic
health problems which are difficult to find a cause for when looking
at the symptoms only.

I find it a bit frustrating when I see the Heart Foundation endorsing
products which to my mind only exacerbate the problems they are
chartered to reduce, and I expect in a month or two to find community
service announcements imploring people to use high factor sunscreen
and to cover up when outdoors, denying them the very hormone (VitD3)
which may enable their immune systems to fight the problems their diet
is causing.

Oh well, can but plug away to those who will listen.

Kind regards

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brooks Bradley []
> Sent: Tuesday, 13 August 2002 3:45 a.m.
> To: *Silver-List*
> Subject: Re: CS>Brewer's yeast and insects
>                         Dear Ivan,
>                     Your cogent remark relating to Vitamin
> B-12 sources
> recommends serious consideration ( we believe), as our nutritional
> experiments conducted some years past.....revealed that a
> majority of
> our vegetarian volunteers (myself included) were experiencing active
> B-12 deficiencies.  Additionally, a majority of these were
> presenting
> with cobalt deficiencies......even those consuming typical One-a-Day
> type vitamin supplements.  While several approaches
> effectively resolved
> the deficiencies----the most direct solution came through B-12
> supplements, cobalt intake enhancement and most easily (on
> a continuing
> basis)------ through dietary modifications.
>             In my own case, I chose (and happily so) to employ
> sub-lingual B-12 and eggs.  I am now a "modified
> vegetarian", but still
> refrain from animal meat products.......consuming only
> fermented dairy
> products and eggs.
> Ivan Anderson wrote:
> > Jeannie,
> >
> > I mean no disrespect, but I hope you eat eggs and milk,
> because the
> > B12 found in yeast is unlikely to be type active in humans.
> >
> > My opinion is that humans should eat the meat and fat
> that the body
> > has evolved (or been designed) for.
> >
> > Ivan.
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