Catherine writes:
> >   As long as we're swapping anecdotes, I found this particular CS works
> > better and I use less than any other I've purchased and recommend it
> > regularly to others.

QE replies:
>  What you make with a battery at home will outdo his product every
> time if you take the time to make it different ways.

It's not necessary that anyone "outdo" any other, so long as we know 
that they all work. Most vendors claim superiority for their products. 
We will continue to take such claims with a grain of salt. 

Meanwhile, home-made CS using popular generators or home-build units
continues to produce positive anecdotes. The product is always more
economical than commercial preparations, once the cost of the
equipment is amortized.

How much you need to use to be effective is not as important when the 
cost is trivial. If you choose to use commercial preparations, then 
comparative cost vs. strength is important.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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