I would like to personally thank each and every one of these people Jason has 
listed.  They have all been extremely kind and helpful answering my many 
questions both on and off list.  I owe my new HEALTHY life to each of them.  
That includes Jason, too.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: AVRA / Jason 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2002 8:48 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>my introduction

  Well, let's see!

  Francis Key owns this page ( an excellent little chart on silver particles 
---  ---  ----  >>>  Francis Key is an excellent chemist and has slowly but 
assuredly expanded my knowledge and understanding of silver particles ):


  Bob Lee, gracious in words, thought and expression ( also known as Tai Pan, 
whom if we were to ever silence, would result in another great loss -- -- -- 
-->>>> A great researcher Weston Price, who delved into, among other things, 
how teeth relate to health, also was supremely aware of the effect of colloids 
such as clays in matters of health ) owns this fantastic commentary on using 
Faraday's Equation/Law for CS:


  Brooks Bradley, selflessly taking the time to share  owns this truly 
life-saving page:


  Stephen Quinto and I own this page:


  "Herx" owns this excellent calculator... and one day, he, 'ole bob and/or 
others will likely find an adjustment factor to make PPM calculations accurate 
enough for "government work":


  I suppose Dr. Robert O. Becker darn near owns this page:


  There's several pages that, if an owner had to be chosen, it would likely 
have to be our very own moderator extraordinaire, Mike D., as they consist of 
eskimo silver-list postings.

  The FDA owns this page, although in this case I'm about literally shoving it 
down their throats:


  If I continued to go on listing the names, we'd likely be here for quite some 
time!  Rest assured, all of the old-timers on this list would be included on 
THAT list.

  But of course that list would include Trem and Ken, two extraordinary 
individuals who have shared various expertise...  The kind folks from the 
Silver Institute... oh, don't forget Roger Altman!

  The mistakes are mine.  Slowly they have been weeded out.  Rarely do I get an 
embarrassing email from an all-too-astute observer ( always appreciated however 
) these days.

  Best Regards,


    Who owns that site?