How recently has he flushed the wax out of his ears?  There are some
across-the-counter preparations that work quite well.  Might as well check
that first. Warm olive oil is good for softening too.  Others on the list
will tell you what conc. of H202 to use, I don't recall what it is.

James-Osbourne: Holmes

-----Original Message-----
From: Melody Dickey []
Sent: Saturday, August 31, 2002 2:32 PM
Subject: CS>ear Rx one more time please

My husband says his ear has felt "plugged" for a while now.  He can hear his
own voice reverberating in his head.  He has also suffered with tinitis for
years.  He's ready to go "donate some more money" to the doctor, but I'd
like to try CS first.  I've read suggestions on using H2O2, then CS in the
ears.  I'd like more detailed information please?  Such as,

how much?
how long?
do you lay down and keep it from draining or what?
how often should this regime be repeated for how many days?

Any suggestions would be much welcomed.
Thank you,

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