The caterpillars need consideration also.  If it thinks and feels it has a

But then grass needs attention to thrive and be all that it could be.  Now
I'm thinking we need to look at what caliber of stewards we are of the earth
we were given dominion over.

What a mess we have made of a perfectly good Earth!
From: Jeannie <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2002 3:17 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: Glad cow syndrome

> Marshall Dudley wrote:
> > I believe that every living thing on earth has a use.  Otherwise it
would not
> > be here.  Well maybe not fleas, chiggers and ticks,  but every plant
> > The question is not if it has a legit use, but if the use of it is in
some way
> > abusive or counter productive. Even marijuana has legit uses for
glaucoma and
> > AAD, and tobacco makes a great pesticide.
> >
> > Marshall
> I agree that everything has a use, but to humans?  What if it is useful to
> caterpillar or something?  Does it all have to be about us?
> Jeannie
> --
> Women like silent men -- they think they're listening
> Jeannie McReynolds
> Oregon Coast
> --
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