sorry Ian Roe I strongly have to disagree with you
saying that CS is not an antiobiotic. Because I have
100% proof that it does work, however it may not be as
strong as some of the Prescription antiobiotics on the
market due to all toxic junk that is im them, coming
from experince and one who is infected with Ureaplasma
urealyticum,(bladder,kidney and UT, and possibly
co-infected with Chlamydia Trach) I know for a fact
that when I take large amounts of CS the puss from the
bacteria goes down in my urine.  However the org can
quickly adapt to the new
samples of CS within 1-2 days, where it is not longer
as powerful.  I believe the org is repsonding to the
CS much like a silver atom at a certain vibrational
freq rate, (like rife tech), but just like atibioitcs,
the org can quickly adapt itself to become resistant
to the CS., However I have not found this to be the
case with direct contact with CS only drinking it. 
Upon using a product like silver 100 which I always
have good results with I find that if the virus like
bacteria grows too much and causes pain I use the
silver 100 on contact with the tissues areas that are
infected and the infection goes down.  The problem is
the CS cant seem to get it all and and all areas of
the tissues, because this is an org which both surives
outside your cells as well as inside, and uses your
cell as its host much like a parasite, thats why its
almost classified as a parasite/bact and virus all in

If it wasnt for my zappers and CS I would be in more
pain than than I am now.

--- Marshall Dudley <> wrote:
> Ian Roe wrote:
> > Well first of all, silver is not an antibiotic,
> doesn't work like an
> > antibiotic at all.
> You are the first here to claim that CS does not
> kill germs.  How are
> you ever going to support those claims that
> completely go against
> everyone's experience here?
> Marshall

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